Absolute Configuration of Volicitin from the Regurgitant of Lepidopteran Caterpillars and Biological Activity of Volicitin-Related Compounds
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Volicitin [N-(17-hydroxylinolenoyl)-L-glutamine] and N-linolenoyl-L-glutamine are known as insect-produced plant volatile elicitors. The absolute configuration of the hydroxylinolenoyl moiety of volicitin from three noctuid species, Helicoverpa armigera, Mythimna separata and Spodoptera litura, was determined to be all 17S in high enantiomeric excess. When treated with 30 pmol of (17S)- and (17R)-volicitin, corn seedlings were induced to release volatiles, there being no significant difference in the amount released between the two isomers. On the other hand, N-linolenoyl-L-glutamine was only about 30% as active as volicitin. Among several synthesized N-linolenoylamino acid conjugates, only the L-glutamine conjugate induced the emission of volatile organic compounds. These results show that the L-glutamine moiety of volicitin played a more critical role than the hydroxyl moiety, although both moieties affected the elicitor activity inducing the release of volatiles.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2007-09-23
西田 律夫
Laboratory Of Chemical Ecology Division Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
桑原 保正
Division Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University:(present Address)k
Akiyama Koichi
Integrated Center For Sciences Tarumi Station Ehime Univ.
MORI Naoki
Division of Molecular Virology and Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus
Mori N
Div. Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univ.
Masuda Toshiya
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences University Of Tokushima
Masuda Toshiya
Faculty Of Human Life Science Osaka City University
Sugahara Takuya
Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
桑原 保正
Division Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Nishida Ritsuo
Division Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
SAWADA Yoshitsugu
Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Division of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Kuwahara Yasumasa
Laboratory Of Chemical Ecology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Fujisaki Kenji
Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama University
Fujisaki Kenji
Division Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Yoshinaga Naoko
Faculty Of Agriculture Miyazaki University
Sawada Y
Dept. Of Appl. Biol. Sci. Nihon University:(present Office)riken Psc
Kishida Taro
Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
Yamauchi Satoshi
Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
SOMEYA Tatsushi
Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, University of Tokushima
Akiyama Koichi
Integrated Center For Sciences (incs) Ehime University
Maruyama Masafumi
Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
Matsugi Junko
Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
Someya Tatsushi
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences University Of Tokushima
Sawada Yoshitsugu
Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
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