Structure-activity analysis of an antimicrobial peptide derived from bovine apolipoprotein A-II
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Biochemical Societyの論文
- 2002-07-01
佐藤 高則
佐藤 高則
佐藤 高則
SATOH Takanori
Department of Chemistry, College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
ITOH Takehito
Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.
Samejima Tatsuya
Department Of Chemistry College Of Science And Engineering Aoyama Gakuin University
Tsurugi K
Departments Of Biochemistry 2 Yamanashi Medical University
Tsurugi Kunio
Department Of Biochemistry 2 University Of Yamanashi Faculty Of Medicine
Yokota Sadaki
Biological Laboratory Yamanashi Medical University
Takei Toshiaki
Institute For Biomolecular Science Gakusyuin University
Kojima S
Institute For Biomolecular Science Gakushuin University
Kojima Shuichi
Institute For Biomolecular Science Faculty Of Science Gakushuin University
Miura Kin-ichiro
Institute For Biomolecular Science Gakushuin Univ.:research Institute Chiba Institute Of Technology.
Motizuki Mitsuyoshi
Department Of Biochemistry 2 Yamanashi Medical University
Motizuki Mitsuyoshi
Department Of Biochemistry 2 Faculty Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Miura K
Institute For Biomolecular Science Faculty Of Science Gakushuin University
Samejima T
Department Of Acoustic Design Kyushu Institute Of Design
Satoh Takanori
Department Of Mathematical And Natural Sciences Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences University O
Yokota Sadaki
Biological Laboratory Faculty Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Yokota S
Biology Laboratory Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Medicine And Engineering University Of Yaman
Itoh T
Morinaga Milk Ind. Co. Ltd. Kanagawa
Takei Toshiaki
Institute For Biomolecular Science Gakushuin University
Tsurugi Kunio
Department Of Biochemistry 2 Faculty Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Miura Kin-ichiro
Institute For Biomolecular Science Faculty Of Science Gakushuin University
Itoh Takehito
Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd.
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- Structure-activity analysis of an antimicrobial peptide derived from bovine apolipoprotein A-II
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- Structure-activity analysis of an antimicrobial peptide derived from bovine apolipoprotein A-II
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