Japanese Biochemical Society | 論文
- Purification and properties of bovine serum kallikrein activated with casein
- Purification and properties of rat small intestinal arginase
- Sulfation of ractopamine and salbutamol by the human cytosolic sulfotransferases
- States of amino acid residues in proteins-17-Tyrosine,histidine and tryptophan residues in bovine trypsin in the presence and absence of benzamidine
- Crystal structure of the lectin of Camptosema pedicellatum : implications of a conservative substitution at the hydrophobic subsite
- DNA methylation accumulation and its predetermination of future cancer phenotypes
- Purification and Characterization of a Novel L-Phenylalanine Oxidase(Deaminating and Decarboxylating) from Pseudomonas sp.P-501
- Occurrence of Low Molecular Weight O-Acetylserine Sulfhydrylase in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Self-propagating amyloid as a critical regulator for diverse cellular functions
- Ryk is essential for Wnt-5a-dependent invasiveness in human glioma
- Stero-bile acids and bile alcohols.-87-Isolation of a new bile acid,haemulcholic acid from the bile of Parapristipoma trilineatum
- Biophysical characterization of the C-terminal region of FliG, an essential rotor component of the Na⁺-driven flagellar motor
- Isolation and partial characterization of the components of the reversible glycine cleavage system of rat liver mitochondria(Preliminary note)
- Proposing a new RNA quadruplex structure : j-motif, with possible links to neural development
- Defining membrane spanning domains and crucial membrane-localized acidic amino acid residues for K⁺ transport of a Kup/HAK/KT-type Escherichia coli potassium transporter
- Inhibition study on insulin fibrillation and cytotoxicity by paclitaxel
- Solubilization and behavior toward Sephadex of rabbit intestinal sucrase
- Purification and properties of rabbit intestinal sucrase
- Further purification and characterization of α-mannosidase from hog kidney
- Purification of α-mannosidase from hog kidney and its action on glycopeptides