炭化水素を炭素源とする酵母の生産に関する研究 (第3報) : 培養条件の検討 (2)
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著者の一人赤木によって,四日市市の油浸土壌から分離された炭化水素資化性酵母 Candida sp. Y191 の生育におよぼす種々の天然栄養源,n-Hexadecane 濃度,接種量の影響と,本菌の各種 n-Alkane の資化性について検討した。 1) 接種量は培養液 100ml 当り 30~60mg が適当であった。 2) n-Hexadecane 濃度は低い程収率が高く,0.5% では90.5%を示した。また,最高生育量を示したのは2.0%であった。 3) 本菌は天然栄養源がなくてもよく生育したが,酵母エキス,C.S.L.,肉エキス,ペプトン等の添加によって生育速度が増大した。酵母エキスは0.01%で効果的であった。 4) 各種 <special>n-Alkane(C8~C18)</special> の資化性は炭素数が増大するとともに酵母量が増大する傾向がみられた。特に<special>(C16~C18)</special>の n-Alkane を基質とした場合酵母収量が大であった。In the previous paper, the efects of various nitrogen sources and surfactans on the growth of hydrocarbon utilizing yeast, Candida sp. Y191, which had been isolated from oily soil by M. Akaki, one of the authors, were investigated. The basal medium containing 1% n-Hexadecane as carbon source was used. In this report, the effetcts of inoculum size of yeast, concentration of n-Hexadecane in the medium, and the addition of natural nutrients to the basal medium such as yeast extract, meat extract, koji extract, malt extract, corn steep liquor and pepton, on the growth of Candida sp. Y.191, were investigated in shaking culture, using the basal medium shown in Table 1. Also the ability of assimilation of individual pure <special>n-Alkane(n-C8~n-C18)</special> by the yeast was investigated. The results obtained were as follows. 1) The favorable inoculum size of yeast for cell production from the hydrocarbon medium containingl 1% n-Hexadecane as carbon souce was 30-60mg cell(as dry matter)per 100ml medium. 2) As shown in Table 3, the yield of the yeast cell on the basis of added n-Hexadecane increased, together with the decrease of n-Hexadecane concentration in the medium. The yield reached 90.5% with the medium containing 0.5% n-Hexadecane. The yield of the yeast cell on the basis of a definite amount of the medium was maximum, with the medium containing 2% n-Hexadecane. 3)This yeast strain was able to grow comparatively well in the n-Hexadecane containing synthetic medium without addition of natural nutrients. However, by the addition of natural nutrients such as yeast extract, meat extract and corn steep liquor, the yeast grew abundantly. The addition of 0.01% yeast extract to the medium was effective for the yeast growth. 4) As shown in Table 4, the yeast assimilated hydrocarbons of n-Alkanes, <special>n-C9</special> to <special>n-C18</special> and especially <special>n-C16</special>, <special>n-C17</special> and <special>n-C18</special> with good cell production. The yield of yeast cell generally tended to increase with the increment of carbon number of n-Alkanes tested.
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