ミシマサイコ(Bupleurum falcatum L.)の栽培試験
- 論文の詳細を見る
The cultivation of Bupleurum falcatum L. whose roots are used as an important Chinese drug, Ch'ai-hu (Saiko), has been studied to estimate the yields of saikosaponins which represent the pharmacological activities of this drug. The pot cultivation of this plant showed a fairly good development of fiber roots in the annual crop, which contain higher amount of biologically effective saikosaponins a and d than the biennial roots harvested in the field cultivation (see TABLE II and III).
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1977-12-20
柴田 承二
大塚 英昭
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo
柴田 承二
大塚 英昭
小林 重雄
小林 重雄
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXXII. Sapogenins from the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (3). The Structure of a Prosapogenin, 3-O-β-Glucosylplatycodigenin
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXXI. Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (2). Structure of Platycodigenin
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXX. Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (1). Isolation of the Sapogenins and the Stereochemistry of Polygalacic Acid
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXIX. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng : Further Study on the Chemical Properties of the Side Chain of Dammarane Type Triterpenes
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVIII. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng : Stereochemistry of the Sapogenin of Ginsenosides-Rb_1,-Rb_2 and -Rc
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVII. The Acid Catalyzed Reactions and the Absolute Configuration at C_ of Dammarane Type Triterpenes
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVI. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng. The Absolute Configurations of Cinenic Acid and Panaxadiol
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- Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE and the Stereochemistry of Polygalacic Acid
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- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XVII. The Prosapogenin of the Ginseng Saponins : Ginsenosides-Rb_1,-Rb_2,and -Rc
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XVI. The Stereochemistry of Protopanaxadiol, a Genuine Sapogenin of Ginseng
- 35 Dammarane系Triterpene,Protopanaxadiol,Betulafolienetriolの側鎖の立体化学
- Chemical Studies on Oriental Plant Drugs. XIV. Protopanaxadiol, a Genuine Sapogenin of Ginseng Saponins
- Studies on the Constituents of Japanese and Chinese Crude Drugs. XII. Panaxadiol, A Sapogenin of Ginseng Roots. (2).
- Studies on the Constituents of Japanese and Chinese Crude Drugs. XI. Panaxadiol, A Sapogenin of Ginseng Roots. (1).
- 25.薬用人參の成分研究 : Panaxadiolの構造
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