- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1984-09-01
- Antiviral Activities of Glycyrrhizin and Its Modified Compounds against Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) in Vitro
- Chemical Modification of Glycyrrhetinic Acid in Relation to the Biological Activities(Medicinal Chemistry,Chemical)
- Chemical Modification of Glycyrrhetinic Acid in Relation to the Biological Activities
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXXII. Sapogenins from the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (3). The Structure of a Prosapogenin, 3-O-β-Glucosylplatycodigenin
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXXI. Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (2). Structure of Platycodigenin
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXX. Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (1). Isolation of the Sapogenins and the Stereochemistry of Polygalacic Acid
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXIX. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng : Further Study on the Chemical Properties of the Side Chain of Dammarane Type Triterpenes
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVIII. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng : Stereochemistry of the Sapogenin of Ginsenosides-Rb_1,-Rb_2 and -Rc
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVII. The Acid Catalyzed Reactions and the Absolute Configuration at C_ of Dammarane Type Triterpenes
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVI. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng. The Absolute Configurations of Cinenic Acid and Panaxadiol
- 47 地衣のトリテルペンの研究 : LobariaおよびPeltigera属について
- Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE and the Stereochemistry of Polygalacic Acid
- 27 薬用人参のサポニンの化学的研究 : 真性サポゲニンの問題とginsenoside-Rg_1の構造
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XVII. The Prosapogenin of the Ginseng Saponins : Ginsenosides-Rb_1,-Rb_2,and -Rc
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XVI. The Stereochemistry of Protopanaxadiol, a Genuine Sapogenin of Ginseng
- 35 Dammarane系Triterpene,Protopanaxadiol,Betulafolienetriolの側鎖の立体化学
- Chemical Studies on Oriental Plant Drugs. XIV. Protopanaxadiol, a Genuine Sapogenin of Ginseng Saponins
- Studies on the Constituents of Japanese and Chinese Crude Drugs. XII. Panaxadiol, A Sapogenin of Ginseng Roots. (2).
- Studies on the Constituents of Japanese and Chinese Crude Drugs. XI. Panaxadiol, A Sapogenin of Ginseng Roots. (1).
- 25.薬用人參の成分研究 : Panaxadiolの構造
- 4.Penicillium islandicum Soppの色素に関する二、三の知見
- Skyrinの赤外線吸収スペクトルについて
- Paeonolの生合成
- Antiulcer Activities of Glycyrrhetinic Acid Derivatives in Experimenta Glastric Lesion Models
- Antitumorigenic Activities of Chalcones. I. Inhibitory Effects of Chalcone Derivatives on ^Pi-Incorporation into Phospholipids of HeLa Cells Promoted by 12-O-Tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-Acetate (TPA)
- Entada Saponins (ES) II and IV from the Bark of Entada phaseoloides
- 昭和55年改訂薬学教育基準について
- Chemical Examination of the Roots of Barleria buxifolia LINN. Structure of Barleriaquinone
- 日米合同薬学大会の開催に向けて
- 和漢薬研究の現状と将来(和漢薬研究所創設十周年記念講演)
- 薬学研究奨励財団
- オクテット
- 前胡成分の研究--市場品「前胡」の簡単な鑑別法
- 日本薬学会100周年記年式典と第100年会を終って
- 溝口歌子氏追想
- 祖父柴田承桂
- ヨウ素化けい卵の研究-(第3報)
- Endothianin及びRadicalisinのSkyrin及びRugulosinとの同定並びにSkyrinの構造について
- 牛蒡子の成分について
- 54 地衣共生体の分離とその代謝産物
- 9 Flavoskyrinの構造について
- Biosynthesis of Natural Products. V. Biosynthesis of Itaconitin. (2). Tracer Studies on Itaconitin
- Biosynthesis of Natural Products. IV. Biosynthesis of Itaconitin. (1). Degradation Studies on Itaconitin
- 10 Ephedrineの生合成
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of α-D-Glucans in the Presence of 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylurea
- A Sesquiterpene Glycoside, Loquatifolin A, from the Leaves of Eriobotrya japonica
- Purification and Characterization of Mouse α_1-Acid Glycoprotein and Its Possible Role in the Antitumor Activity of Some Lichin Polysaccharides
- 97 マメ科薬用植物サポニンの研究
- ^C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Studies on Gleditsia Saponin C (GS-C)
- Polysaccharides of Lichen Symbionts
- Polysaccharides of Lichens and Fungi. VI. Antitumour Active Polysaccharides of Lichens of Stictaceae
- The Constituents of Pueraria Root
- 17.Penicillium islandicum Sopp.の色素群とその生合成的関係
- 菌類代謝産物の研究(第4報)Endothia Spp.の色素の分離並びにEndothianin及びRadicalisinのSkyrin及びRugulosinとの同定
- Potentiation of Nerve Growth Factor-Mediated Nerve Fiber Production in Organ Cultures of Chicken Embryonic Ganglia by Ginseng Saponins : Structure-Activity Relationship
- Pharmacological Studies of Panacis Japonici Rhizoma. II
- Pharmacological Studies of Panacis Japonici Rhizoma. I
- Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. II. Structures of Ginsenoside-Re, -Rf and -Rg_2
- Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. I. Structures of Ginsenoside-Ro, -Rb_1,-Rb_2,-Rc and -Rd
- 天然薬物研究の回顧
- 正倉院薬物調査研究補遺-3-「甘草」について
- 正倉院薬物調査研究補遺-2-大黄について
- 正倉院薬物調査研究補遺-1-「人参」について
- Studies on the Saponins of the Root of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. I. Isolation and the Structure of Platycodin-D
- 薬用人参のサポニンの定量法
- 2 菌類代謝産物の化学 : Rugulosin,Luteoskyrin,Rubroskyrinおよび関連化合物の研究
- 薬学教育年限延長論に対する一つの見解
- 国際学術交流に新しい対応を(薬学会の国際交流についての提言)
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi." I. Studies on the Aglycones of Steroidal Glycosides of Pei-wujiapi. (1)
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Chinese Drug "Wujiapi"
- Erythroskyrineの構造
- Decomposition of Usnic Acid. VI. Studies on the Ozonolytic Products of O, O-Diacetylusnic Acid.
- 8.ウスニン酸に関する二,三の知見
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XI. Some Observation on the Occurrence of Skyrin and Rugulosin in Mold Metabolites, with a Reference to Structural Relationship between Penicilliopsin and Skyrin.
- Further Studies on the Structure of Retigeranic Acid
- Inhibitory Effect of a Lichen Polysaccharide Sulfate, GE-3-S, on the Replication of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Vitro
- A Polysaccharide of the Lichen, Stereocaulon Japonicum
- A New Isoflavone and the Corresponding Isoflavanone of Licorice Root
- A New Isoflavone from Licorice Root
- A New 3-Arylcoumarin from Licorice Root
- Peptides in Higher Plants. II. The Crystal Structure of Tri-N-methylfrangulanine Methiodide
- 4 地衣Usnea bayleyi黄色色素 : Eumitrinの構造について
- Antitumor Activity of Shikonin and Its Derivatives
- 44 Penicillium属Anthraquinonoidsの生合成
- Polysaccharides of Lichens and Fungi. V. Antitumour Active Polysaccharides of Lichens of Evernia, Acroscyphus and Alectoria spp.
- Polysaccharides of Lichens and Fungi. IV. Antitumour Active O-Acetylated Pustulan-Type Glucans from the Lichens of Umbilicaria Species
- Polysaccharides in Lichens and Fungi. III. Further Investigation on the Structures and the Antitumor Activity of the Polysaccharides from Gyrophora esculenta MIYOSHI and Lasallia papulosa LLANO
- Studies on the Chemical Structures of the New Glucans isolated from Gyrophora esculenta MIYOSHI and Lasallia papulosa (ACH.) LLANO and Their Inhibiting Effect on Implanted Sarcoma 180 in Mice
- 菌類代謝産物の研究(第5報)Skyrinの構造について その1
- 呉茱萸の微量塩基性成分について
- ミシマサイコ(Bupleurum falcatum L.)の栽培試験
- 天然物の生合成(第10報) : Shikonin生合成におけるLeucine-^C, Valine-^Cの取り込みについて
- 漢方処方製剤のTLCによるパターン分析
- 和漢薬の血小板凝集に及ぼす影響(第4報) : 胸痺・心痛・短気の病に用いられる漢方方剤
- 前胡成分の研究 : 市場品「前胡」の簡単な鑑別法
- Ammi Visnaga Lam.の果実中のKhellinの定量並びにKhellinの生成に関する一考察
- 天然薬物研究の回顧