- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1955-04-20
柴田 承二
Meiji College of Pharmacy
村上 孝夫
村上 孝夫
Pharmaceutical Institute, Science University of Tokyo
田中 治
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo:(present Address) Pharmaceutical Institute Sc
柴田 承二
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
田中 治
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
金子 主税
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Tokyo
柴田 承二
千原 呉郎
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
北川 勲
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
住本 昌之
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
村上 孝夫
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Tokyo
北川 勲
千原 呉郎
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Tokyo
住本 昌之
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Tokyo
- Chemical Modification of Glycyrrhetinic Acid in Relation to the Biological Activities(Medicinal Chemistry,Chemical)
- Chemical Modification of Glycyrrhetinic Acid in Relation to the Biological Activities
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第85報)フモトシダの成分変異について その2
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LXXXIV.A Novel 2-Tetralol-Type Xyloside from Asplenium wilfordii
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミ-(第83報)フモトシダの成分変異について その1
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LXXXI. Characteristic Lignans of Blechnaceous Ferns
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LXXX. : Proanthocyanidins of Arachniodes sporadosora NAKAIKE and A. exilis CHING
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第76報) : ハリガネワラビの新規フラバノン誘導体について
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LXXIII. New Flavonoids with Modified B-Ring from the Genus Pseudophegopteris(Thelypteridaceae)(Organic,Chemical)
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Filices. LXXI. Chemical Studies on the Constituents of Cheiropleuria bicuspis (BL.) PR.(Organic,Chemical)
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー (第66報) : イブキシダ, オオイブキシダの成分の化学的研究(有機化学)
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー (第65報) : 新フラボノイド配糖体について その2(有機化学)
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Filices. LXI. Chemical Studies on the Constituents of Pronephrium triphyllum HOLLT.
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. LIX. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Alsophila spinulosa TRYON
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第56報)シノブ科シダ類の成分について その1
- Chemische und chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen von Filices. XXXV. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Polystichum tripteron (KUNZE) P_R.
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXXII. Sapogenins from the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (3). The Structure of a Prosapogenin, 3-O-β-Glucosylplatycodigenin
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXXI. Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (2). Structure of Platycodigenin
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXX. Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. (1). Isolation of the Sapogenins and the Stereochemistry of Polygalacic Acid
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXIX. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng : Further Study on the Chemical Properties of the Side Chain of Dammarane Type Triterpenes
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVIII. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng : Stereochemistry of the Sapogenin of Ginsenosides-Rb_1,-Rb_2 and -Rc
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVII. The Acid Catalyzed Reactions and the Absolute Configuration at C_ of Dammarane Type Triterpenes
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXVI. Saponins and Sapogenins of Ginseng. The Absolute Configurations of Cinenic Acid and Panaxadiol
- 47 地衣のトリテルペンの研究 : LobariaおよびPeltigera属について
- Sapogenins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE and the Stereochemistry of Polygalacic Acid
- 27 薬用人参のサポニンの化学的研究 : 真性サポゲニンの問題とginsenoside-Rg_1の構造
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XVII. The Prosapogenin of the Ginseng Saponins : Ginsenosides-Rb_1,-Rb_2,and -Rc
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XVI. The Stereochemistry of Protopanaxadiol, a Genuine Sapogenin of Ginseng
- 35 Dammarane系Triterpene,Protopanaxadiol,Betulafolienetriolの側鎖の立体化学
- Chemical Studies on Oriental Plant Drugs. XIV. Protopanaxadiol, a Genuine Sapogenin of Ginseng Saponins
- Studies on the Constituents of Japanese and Chinese Crude Drugs. XII. Panaxadiol, A Sapogenin of Ginseng Roots. (2).
- Studies on the Constituents of Japanese and Chinese Crude Drugs. XI. Panaxadiol, A Sapogenin of Ginseng Roots. (1).
- 25.薬用人參の成分研究 : Panaxadiolの構造
- 4.Penicillium islandicum Soppの色素に関する二、三の知見
- Skyrinの赤外線吸収スペクトルについて
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. XXXIX. Chemical Studies on the Constituents of Pteris bella TAGAWA and Pteridium aquilinum subsp. wightianum (WALL) SHICH
- Antiulcer Activities of Glycyrrhetinic Acid Derivatives in Experimenta Glastric Lesion Models
- Entada Saponins (ES) II and IV from the Bark of Entada phaseoloides
- Chemical Examination of the Roots of Barleria buxifolia LINN. Structure of Barleriaquinone
- Endothianin及びRadicalisinのSkyrin及びRugulosinとの同定並びにSkyrinの構造について
- Purification and Characterization of Mouse α_1-Acid Glycoprotein and Its Possible Role in the Antitumor Activity of Some Lichin Polysaccharides
- ^C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Studies on Gleditsia Saponin C (GS-C)
- Chemische und chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen von Filices. XXXII. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Plenasium banksiifolium (PR.) PR.
- Chemische und chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen von Filices. XXVII. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Dennstaedtia wilfordii (MOORE) CHRIST.
- 辛夷の精油成分の地理的変異に関する研究
- Uber die Strukturen der Anthraglykoside aus den Rhizomen von Polygonum cuspidatum SIEB. et Zucc.
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミ--63-キンモウワラビ,タイワンキンモウワラビ,イワウサギシダのキサントン誘導体について
- The Constituents of Pueraria Root
- 17.Penicillium islandicum Sopp.の色素群とその生合成的関係
- 菌類代謝産物の研究(第9報)Rugulosin その2 Rugulosinの構造とそのFlavoskyrinの構造との関係
- 菌類代謝産物の研究(第8報)Rugulosinその1 Dianhydrorugulosinの構造とIridoskyrinの構造との関係
- 菌類代謝産物の研究(第4報)Endothia Spp.の色素の分離並びにEndothianin及びRadicalisinのSkyrin及びRugulosinとの同定
- 木別子サポニンの薬理作用について
- Potentiation of Nerve Growth Factor-Mediated Nerve Fiber Production in Organ Cultures of Chicken Embryonic Ganglia by Ginseng Saponins : Structure-Activity Relationship
- Pharmacological Studies of Panacis Japonici Rhizoma. II
- Pharmacological Studies of Panacis Japonici Rhizoma. I
- Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. II. Structures of Ginsenoside-Re, -Rf and -Rg_2
- Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. I. Structures of Ginsenoside-Ro, -Rb_1,-Rb_2,-Rc and -Rd
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. LXII. : Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Arachniodes maximowiczii OHWI
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. XXXVI. Crystallographic Studies of Pterokaurene L_2 and Pteroatisene P_2
- Chemische und chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen von Filices. XXXIV. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Pteris purpureorachis COPEL.
- Chemische und chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen von Filices. XXXIII. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Pteris longipes DON.
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第70報)ウラジロキジノオ, タカサゴキジノオ, タイワンヤマソテツ, シマヤマソテツの成分について
- Pterosin Q und Pterosid Q aus Pteris Oshimensis HIERON. und Histiopteris incisa (THUNB.) J. SMITH
- Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Pteris cretica L.
- Chemische Untersuchungen uber die Inhaltsstoffe von Helminthostachys zeylanica (L) HOOK. II
- Chemische Untersuchungen uber die Inhaltsstoffe von Helminthostachys zeylanica (L) HOOK. I
- Wasser-losliche Polysaccharide aus den Wurzeln von Polygonum cuspidatum SIEB. et ZUCC
- 大黄の新フェノール配糖体について
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LIV. Pterosin Derivatives of the Genus Microlepia (Pteridaceae)
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. XLIV. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Microlepia marginata (PANZER) C. CHR. (2)
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen von Filices. XL. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Microlepia marginata (PANZER) C. CHR.
- Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Pteris ryukyuensis TAGAWA und Pteris longipinna HAYATA
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. XLVIII. Uber die Zuckerester aus Plagiogyria euphlebia (KUNZE) METT. und Microlepia speluncae L.
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. L. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Plagiogyria matsumureana MAKINO
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. IL. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Plagiogyria euphlebia (KUNZE) METT.
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Filices. XLVII. Chemical Studies on the Constituents of Arachniodes nigrospinosa (CHING) CHING, A. festina (HANCE) CHING and A. mutica OHWI
- Studies on the Saponins of the Root of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. I. Isolation and the Structure of Platycodin-D
- 薬用人参のサポニンの定量法
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第79報)オニヒカゲワラビのAcylphloroglucinol配糖体について
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第75報) : Dennstaedtia distenta MOOREの成分の化学的研究 その1
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第74報) : ビロウドシダの新Flavanone配糖体について
- 2次代謝産物によるシダ類の系統と進化に関する研究
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第72報)Odontosoria gymnogrammoides CHRISTの成分の化学的研究
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第69報)ヒメワラビの新規クマリン
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第68報)セスキテルペン二量体Monachosorin類の分布とケモタキソノミー的意義
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第67報)B環の修飾されたフラバノン'Protofarrerol'とその誘導体の分布について
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第60報)Microlepia tenera CHRISTの成分の化学的研究
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第57報)タイワンクリハラン及びオオクリハランの成分について
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi." I. Studies on the Aglycones of Steroidal Glycosides of Pei-wujiapi. (1)
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Chinese Drug "Wujiapi"
- Erythroskyrineの構造
- Decomposition of Usnic Acid. VI. Studies on the Ozonolytic Products of O, O-Diacetylusnic Acid.
- 8.ウスニン酸に関する二,三の知見
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XI. Some Observation on the Occurrence of Skyrin and Rugulosin in Mold Metabolites, with a Reference to Structural Relationship between Penicilliopsin and Skyrin.
- 菌類代謝産物の研究(第5報)Skyrinの構造について その1
- 東洋薬物の化学的研究(第25報) : 薬用人参および関連生薬のサポゲニン,サポニンの比較
- タラノキ葉のサポゲニンについて
- シラカンバ葉の成分について