Effect of Uncertainties in Nuclear Reaction Rate on Nucleosynthesis Paths(Nuclear Physics)
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We propose a Monte Carlo analysis that provides us with a useful diagnostic method to identify the nucleosynthesis paths giving helpful information to understand the nuclear burning mechanism in stellar evolution, connecting with network calculations. Applying the Monte Carlo analysis to the nucleosynthesis in the He shell flash model, we show that a considerable change in synthesis paths occurs from ^<16>O to Ne isotopes depending on the reaction rate of ^<17>O(n,γ)^<18>O.
- 2010-06-25
Department of Physics, Konan University
KATO Kiyoshi
Department of Cosmosciences, Hokkaido University
WADA Takahiro
Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University
OHTA Masahisa
Department of Physics, Konan University
Ohta Masahisa
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Konan University
Wada Takahiro
Department Of Materials Chemistry Ryukoku University
Yamamoto Kazuyuki
Department Of Physics Konan University:(present Office)department Of Computer Science Kitami Institu
Wada Takahiro
Department Of Pure And Applied Physics Kansai University
Kato Kiyoshi
Department Of Cosmosciences Hokkaido University
Wada Takahiro
Department Of Intelligent Mechanical Systems Faculty Of Engineering Kagawa University
Kato Kiyoshi
Department Of Civil Engineering National Defense Academy
Yamamoto Kazuyuki
Department of Bioengineering, Nagaoka University of Technology
Department of Physics, Konan University:(Present office)Department of Computer Science, Kitami Institute of Technology
Wada Takahiro
Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University
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