Binding Mechanism of a Neutron-Rich Nucleus ^6He and Its Excited States
- 論文の詳細を見る
By using the hybrid- TV model of the ^4He+n+n three-body system, the binding energy and excited states of ^6He are investigated. The binding energy 0.784 MeV is obtained for more realistic ^4He-n interaction. It is discussed that the n-n correlations, which are fully taken into account in the ECM bases, are very important to reproduce the binding energy of ^6He. The excited resonance states of the ^6He system are also calculated by applying the complex scaling method. The first excited 2^+ state obtained as a three-body resonance state is in good agreement with experiments. However, the excited 1^- resonance states corresponding to the soft dipole excitation are not obtained at the low energy region.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1995-01-25
KATO Kiyoshi
Department of Cosmosciences, Hokkaido University
池田 清美
Ikeda Kiyomi
Department Of Physics Niigata University
AOYAMA Shigeyoshi
Integrated Information Processing Center, Niigata University
AOYAMA Shigeyoshi
Graduate Scool of Science, Hokkaido University
AOYAMA Shigeyoshi
Department of Physics, Hokkaido University
MUKAI Shigeo
Department of Physics, Hokkaido University
Mukai Shigeo
Division Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Ikeda Kiyomi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Aoyama S
Integrated Information Processing Center Niigata University
Ikeda Kiyomi
Department Of Physics College Of Science And Engineering Nihon University
Kato Kiyoshi
Department Of Cosmosciences Hokkaido University
Kato Kiyoshi
Department Of Civil Engineering National Defense Academy
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- Binding Mechanism of a Neutron-Rich Nucleus ^6He and Its Excited States
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- Radiative Capture Cross Section for ^O(n,γ)^O and ^O(p,γ)^F below Astrophysical Energies(Nuclear Physics)
- Capter II Comprehensive Study of Alpha-Nuclei
- Introduction : Chapter I
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- Hardware Simulation Language Hsl/I
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