- 論文の詳細を見る
Offshore platforms are required to keep the position under the external forces such as ocean current, wind or wave. Generally, PID control theory is mainly used to design the control systems of offshore platform for surge, sway and yaw motion respectively. However, it is considered that taking into account the relation of those components in the control systems will be more effective. Furthermore, type and arrangement of thrusters will have much influence on the performance of the control system. From these points, we proposed a control system that is applied the linear optimal regulator control theory in the previous paper. We discussed on performance of the control system for two types of thruster system that are equipped tunnel-type thrusters or rotatable thrusters under the steady external forces. However, the offshore platform is always in the influence of the unsteady external forces. Then, it is necessary to take into account the unsteady external forces. Especially it is considered that the external forces such as ocean current and wind have much influence on the horizontal motion of offshore platform. Therefore, in this paper, we apply the Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) with optimal regulator control theory to the semi-submerged platform with two lower hulls under the unsteady external forces. Furthermore, we compared performance of this control system with that of PID control system. From the results of the computer simulation, it is shown that the present control system will be effective to keep the position of platform under the unsteady external forces such as current and wind. It is considered that the present control system would be more efficient than the conventional PID control system.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1992-03-29
古川 芳孝
貴島 勝郎
鷲尾 祐秀
貴島 勝郎
鷲尾 祐秀
古川 芳孝
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