- 論文の詳細を見る
This article focuses on the effects of sidewall with a mound affecting on the hydrodynamic force acting on the vessel, which is slowly moving in restricted waterways, such as in the fixed structure, or in a narrow channel. Experiments for the characteristic of hydrodynamic forces were carried out utilizing the general cargo ship as a model vessel. It was measured by varying the distances between the side of a ship and the sidewall of a mound, also by changing the length of a mound. Simulation of manoeuvering model ship was also conducted to investigate the bank effect using the experimental data in restricted waterways. The experimental results showed that the hydrodynamic interaction forces acting on the vessel get increased, and the regions for this become wider as the length of mound increases. The steady interaction forces under this condition was also acted. However, it is recognized that if the length of a mound is sufficiently shorter than the length of a ship, interaction forces are getting smaller. Furthermore, regardless of the length for the mound, it indicated that the hydrodynamic forces acting on the vessel represent almost qualitatively same tendency, when the midship of a ship from the leading edge of a sidewall with a mound was about 0.5 times of a ship length in distance. The simulation using experimental data showed an inclination that the effect of sidewall with a mound on maneuvering motion is not appreciable as the vessel approaches to a mound. On the other hand, it is inclined to deviate gradually from the original course when the bow of a ship approaches near the leading edge of a mound. Also, through the simulation, the lateral deviation from original course obtained the maximum variation when the length of a mound is nearly the same with the one of a ship.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 2002-03-20
古川 芳孝
茨木 洋
貴島 勝郎
貴島 勝郎
Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
古川 芳孝
古川 芳孝
李 春起
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