- 論文の詳細を見る
FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) is required to keep the specified position during oil producing and offloading under the external force such as ocean current or wind. Generally, the Inverse Linear Quadratic (ILQ) optimal servo theory is usefully applied to design control system of DPS (Dynamic Positioning System). In this method, it is able to construct a control system which has no interaction among the controlled variables and express the optimal feedback gain in terms of the system matrices and design parameters. In this paper, we applied the ILQ optimal servo theory to design the control system of DPS for FPSO system and FPSO-Shuttle tanker system. In the ILQ optimal servo theory, time constant T_i as the design parameter has much influence on the performance of the control system, therefore, we carried out numerical simulations by changing the value of the time constant. In addition, we examined how the control starting time T_r and the rate of the thruster power change affected the control performance. As the result of the numerical simulations, we obtained the following conclusion. In case of FPSO system, time constant T_i should be selected as small as possible within the limits of achievable control objective. In case of FPSO-Shuttle tanker system, it is possible to control the coupled motion by selecting the value of the time constant T_n about heading angle of FPSO larger than that of the time constant T_x and T_y about displacement of FPSO.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 2001-08-31
貴島 勝郎
古川 芳孝
貴島 勝郎
貴島 勝郎
Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
安 暎奎
古川 芳孝
高澄 東太
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