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It is now hoped that the prediction of ship manoeuvring motion at the initial stage of design will be established. Many methods relating to this problem have been proposed, but it seems that there are insufficient methods even in the deep water case. Nowadays however, much effort are being made to establish a method for the deep water and shallow water cases. In the case of prediction of manoevaring motion by simulation study along with manoeuvring mathematical models, it is hoped that a simple model will be available for the purpose of initial design. It will also be possible to estimate the hydrodynamic derivatives acting on the bare hull with a high accuracy. However, it is very difficult to estimate with a high accuracy the wake fraction coefficients of interaction forces among hull, propeller and rudder in shallow water. In this paper, as the first stage the effects of wake fraction w_p and w_R at propeller and rudder locations respectively, and flow straightening coefficient γ, on the simulated turning trajectories are examined. From the above simulation study, we came to the conclusion that the flow staightening coefficient and wake fraction coefficient at the rudder locations have the most dominant effect on turning motion. Therefore, these coefficients should be estimated with a high accuracy in order to predict manoeuvring performance in shallow water.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1985-03-22
貴島 勝郎
貴島 勝郎
貴島 勝郎
名切 恭昭
村上 正義
勝野 敏之
名切 恭昭
勝野 敏之
Department of Naval Architecture, Kyushu University
勝野 敏之
Department Of Naval Architecture Kyushu University
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