Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy of Quantum Dot Arrays
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2002-04-30
斎木 敏治
AOYAGI Yoshinobu
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
NOMURA Shintaro
Institute of Applied Microbiology, The University of Tokyo
Matsuda K
Department Of Chemistry And Biochemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Kyushu University
Nomura S
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Resarch
Aoyagi Yoshinobu
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
MATSUDA Kazunari
Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology
SAIKI Toshiharu
Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology
斎木 敏治
慶応大 理工
SATO Tetsuya
National Institute for fusion Science
斎木 敏治
慶應義塾大学理工学部 神奈川科学技術アカデミー
- 電磁波のエネルギーとは? 光の強度とは?
- 近接場光学顕微鏡による横方向p-n接合の評価
- 28pZH-4 紫外近接場光学顕微鏡による GaN 薄膜の観測
- 近接場波動関数マッピングの原理と半導体量子ドット分光への応用
- 26a-YN-4 ポリシラン分子の紫外近接場顕微鏡像
- 28aVD-4 GaNナノコラム集団における光のアンダーソン局在の直接観察(28aVD 領域5,領域1合同 フォトニック結晶,領域5(光物性))
- 28aVD-4 GaNナノコラム集団における光のアンダーソン局在の直接観察(28aVD 領域5,領域1合同 フォトニック結晶,領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- 26pXQ-8 イオン打ち込み法で作製したCdS:Mnナノ粒子の単一ナノ粒子発光分光(領域5, 領域4合同招待講演,領域5(光物性))
- GaAs横方向P-n接合の近接場光学顕微鏡による発光特性評価
- 25pSB-10 InGaAs単一量子ドットの室温における弱励起下での発光観察
- 28pZH-4 紫外近接場光学顕微鏡による GaN 薄膜の観測
- Characterization of GaAs and AlGaAs layers grown by laser atomic layer epitaxy
- New Fabrication Technique of Quantum Wire Structures with Dimensions Precisely Controlled by the CBE Method
- Effects of an Electric Field on the Decay Time of Luminescence from a GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi-Quantum-Well Structure
- Transient Characteristics of Luminescence from GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi-Quantum-Well Structure under Resonant Excitation
- Characteristics of the Time-Resolved Photoluminescence in Microcrystalline Si
- Effect of Electric Field on Transient Characteristics of Luminescence from GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi-Quantum-Well Structure
- Temperature Dependence of Decay Time of Photoluminescence from GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi Quantum Well Structures
- Transient Characteristics of Photoluminescence from GaAs/Ga_Al_As Single Quantum Well Structure
- Lifetime and diffusion coefficient of carriers in X-ray irradiated a-Si:H
- Determination of Reaction Constant of Exciton-Exciton Collision by Absorption Measurement
- High-Power Subpicosecond Pulse Generation in Near-IR Region by Cavity-Dumped Passive and Synchronous Hybrid Mode-Locking System
- Tunable Subpicosecond Pulse Generation in near IR Region from OX-725 Dye Laser by Passive and Synchronous Hybrid Modelocking Method
- A Tunable Picosecond UV Dye Laser Pumped by the Third Harmonic of a Nd: YAG Laser
- ナノ光計測技術--近接場光学顕微鏡によるナノ物質観測
- Group Velocity and Dispersion Relation of Polariton Wave-Packet in CdS
- 31a-YJ-11 Many-body effects in GaN quantum dots
- Magnetic Field in Direct- and Indirect-Gap Semiconductor Quantum Dots
- A122 ナノスケール熱物性値計測のための近接場光サーモリフレクタンス信号の高感度検出(マイクロ・ナノスケール2)
- Optical, Electrical and Structural Investigations of the Transition from Amorphous to Microcrystalline Silicon
- Observation of Direct Transitions in Silicon Nanocrystallites
- Violet and Blue Light Emissions from Nanocrystalline Silicon Thin Films
- Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Excitonic Luminescence Decay Time in a GaAs-Al_xGa_As Quantum Well
- Modeling of Electron Transport in Corrugated Quantum Wires
- Ballistic Weak Localization and Wave Function Scarring in Quantum Wires
- 20pTH-11 ホール局在した n 型量子ドットアレーの近接場発光分光
- 31aYE-4 高分解能近接場光学顕微鏡による GaAs 量子ドットの励起子波動関数イメージング II
- 28pTB-12 量子ドット正方格子の空間分解発光スペクトル
- 30 nm Line Fabrication on PMMA Resist by Fine Focused Be Ion Beam
- Electronic Properties of Polysilane Calculated with the Real-Time Real-Space Higher-Order Finite-Difference Method
- Fast Algorithm for Calculating Two-Photon Absorption Spectra by Real-Time Real-Space Higher-Order Finite-Difference Method
- Nano-optical probing of exciton wave-functions confined in a GaAs quantum dot
- Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy of Quantum Dot Arrays
- 磁場環境下で動作する低温近接場光学顕微鏡の開発
- 近接場光を利用したナノスケール熱物性測定の研究 : 単層カーボンナノチューブを用いた予備的測定(熱工学,内燃機関,動力など)
- 20pWF-3 GaAs量子ドットに閉じ込められた励起子波動関数の近接場光イメージング(領域4,領域5合同シンポジウム : 半導体物性研究におけるイメージング計測の現状,領域4(半導体,メゾスコピック系・局在))
- 近接場光学顕微鏡による高分解能/高感度イメージング (特集1 ガラスの分析評価技術)
- H125 近接場光を用いたナノスケール熱物性計測法の開発 : 第 2 報高分解能化の検討
- 近接場光学顕微鏡の原理と応用
- Design and Implementation of Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope for Observation of Interfacial Liquid Crystal Orientation : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- 20aRF-9 単一色素分子の近接場蛍光イメージングとその機構
- 20aRF-9 単一色素分子の近接場蛍光イメージングとその機構
- 24pRA-14 近接場光学顕微鏡を用いた単一色素分子の蛍究イメージング
- 近接場分光技術とその定量的評価観察への応用(近接場光学の最前線)
- 25aYH-6 単一量子ドットの近接場分光
- 近接場光学顕微鏡による単一粒子分光
- フェムト秒レーザー励起を用いたGeSbTeにおける超高速相変化の誘起
- 光の検出方法は?
- 近接場光学顕微鏡の現状とナノイメージング分光への応用
- 近接場光学顕微鏡による半導体量子構造のイメージング分光
- GaAs量子ドットに閉じ込められた励起子波動関数の近接場光学マッピング
- 31a-H-3 強励起下におけるZnSe励起子系の時間分解分光
- Probing the Discrete Level Spectrum of Open Quantum Dots
- Phase Breaking of Coherent Electron Waves in Dot Array Systems ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- The Role of Electron Phase Coherence in Quantum Transport through Open Ballistic Cavities ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Quantum Transport in Single and Multiple Quantum Dots ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Carrier Transport in Nanodevices
- Trajectory Transition Due to Gate Depletion in Corrugation Gated Quantum Wires
- Carrier Transport in Nanoscale Structures
- Electron Wave Interference in Ballistic and Quasi-Ballistic Nanostructures
- Zero-Current Voltage Fluctuations in Quantum Dots at High Magnetic Fields
- Study of Scattering Processes in Quantum Wires by a Correlation Field Analysis of the Phase Coherent Interferences
- Quantum dot transport of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes
- 招待講演 Carbon nanotubes for quantum-dot devices
- 招待講演 Carbon nanotubes for quantum-dot devices
- Quantum Dots in Carbon Nanotubes
- Characterization of Small Superconducting Rings and Its Possible Application to New Single Flux Quantum Devices
- Development of Nanoscale Thermal Properties Measurement Technique by Using Near-Field Optics(Micro Mechanical Engineering)
- Development of Nanoscale Thermal Properties Measurement Technique using Near-field Optics : 3^ report, A Preliminary Measurement using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube
- Digital Etching Using KrF Excimer Laser: Approach to Atomic-Order-Controlled Etching by Photo Induced Reaction
- 26p-YC-5 高感度近接場光学顕微鏡による単一量子ドット分光
- 5p-J-6 単一量子ドットの低温近接場分光
- InGaAs単一量子ドットの近接場分光
- Development and Applications of a Compact Electron Cyclotron Resonance Source : Etching
- Development and Applications of a Compact Electron Cyclotron Resonance Source
- The Irradiation Effects of an Oxygen Radical Beam on the Preparation of Superconducting Thin Films
- 近接場光学顕微鏡の基本性能とその応用分野
- Composition Change of Indium Oxide Film by Triethylgallium Irradiation Prepared for In Situ Selective Epitaxy Use
- Thin Gallium Oxide Film Deposited in Vacuum for In Situ Process Use
- FDTD Analysis of a Near-Field Optical Fiber Probe with a Double Tapered Structure(Special Issue on Near-Field Optics and Its Applications)
- Enhancement of the 15.4 nm Line of the Lithiumlike Aluminum Recombining Plasma Laser using a Half Cavity
- Enhancement of Soft X-Ray Emission from Al Plasma by Pulse Train Laser Irradiation
- 27p-YB-9 フォトンSTMによる微小球近接場の観察
- Development of Nanoscale Thermal Properties Measurement Technique by using the Near-field Optics : 5^ report, Measurement of Thermophysical Properties with 500nm Spatial Resolution
- 5a-K-1 フォトンSTMによる蛍光観測
- 29a-D-2 先鋭化光ファイバ・プローブの分光への応用
- 近接場光学
- 6pSA-11 高分解能近接場光学顕微鏡によるGaAs量子ドットの励起子波動関数イメージング(量子井戸・超格子,領域4,領域5合同,領域4)
- 26pPSA-50 SiO_2中に埋め込まれたGaAs量子ドットの発光特性(26pPSA,領域5(光物性分野))