Transient Characteristics of Photoluminescence from GaAs/Ga_<0.7>Al_<0.3>As Single Quantum Well Structure
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1985-01-20
Namba Susumu
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Technical College, Yamaguchi University
AOYAGI Yoshinobu
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
SEGAWA Yusaburo
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Central Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Miyoshi T
Yamaguchi Univ. Yamaguchi Jpn
Segawa Y
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. (riken) Sendai Jpn
Nunoshita Masahiro
Central Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Miyoshi Tadaki
Technical Colledge Yamaguchi University
Miyoshi T
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Yamaguchi University
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