Formation of Hg_<1-x>Cd_xTe by Ion Implantation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1974-05-05
Namba Susumu
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
SEGAWA Yusaburo
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
LYU Hyong
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
- Characterization of GaAs and AlGaAs layers grown by laser atomic layer epitaxy
- New Fabrication Technique of Quantum Wire Structures with Dimensions Precisely Controlled by the CBE Method
- Effects of an Electric Field on the Decay Time of Luminescence from a GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi-Quantum-Well Structure
- Transient Characteristics of Luminescence from GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi-Quantum-Well Structure under Resonant Excitation
- Characteristics of the Time-Resolved Photoluminescence in Microcrystalline Si
- Effect of Electric Field on Transient Characteristics of Luminescence from GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi-Quantum-Well Structure
- Temperature Dependence of Decay Time of Photoluminescence from GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi Quantum Well Structures
- Transient Characteristics of Photoluminescence from GaAs/Ga_Al_As Single Quantum Well Structure
- Lifetime and diffusion coefficient of carriers in X-ray irradiated a-Si:H
- Determination of Reaction Constant of Exciton-Exciton Collision by Absorption Measurement
- High-Power Subpicosecond Pulse Generation in Near-IR Region by Cavity-Dumped Passive and Synchronous Hybrid Mode-Locking System
- Tunable Subpicosecond Pulse Generation in near IR Region from OX-725 Dye Laser by Passive and Synchronous Hybrid Modelocking Method
- A Tunable Picosecond UV Dye Laser Pumped by the Third Harmonic of a Nd: YAG Laser
- Preparation of High-T_c Superconducting Films by Q-Switched YAG Laser Sputtering : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Growth and Optical Characterization of Cr^YAB and Cr^YGAB Crystal for New Tunable and Self-Frequency Doubling Laser
- Group Velocity and Dispersion Relation of Polariton Wave-Packet in CdS
- Flash-Lamp-Pumped Tunable Ti:BeAl_2O_4 Laser
- Passive Mode Locking of a Flashlamp-Pumped Ti:Sapphire Laser
- Flash Lamp Pumped Tunable Forsterite Laser
- Optical Properties and Lasing of Ti^ Doped BeAl_2O_4
- Magnetic Field in Direct- and Indirect-Gap Semiconductor Quantum Dots
- Preparation and Photoluminescence of High-Purity Homoepitaxial CdS Layers
- Formation of Hg_Cd_xTe by Ion Implantation
- Ridge Type Microfabrication by Maskless Ion Implantation of Si into SiO_2 Film
- 200 kV Mass-Separated Fine Focused Ion Beam Apparatus
- 30 nm Line Fabrication on PMMA Resist by Fine Focused Be Ion Beam
- Concentration Profiles of Nickel and Chromium Implanted in Mild Steel
- Study of Absorption Spectrum of Bromine Molecule for Laser Isotope Separation
- Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity by Laser Pulse
- Relation of Laser Induced Ion Energy to Laser Power
- Maskless Fabrication of High Quality DFB Laser Gratings by Laser Induced Chemical Etching
- Electron and Laser Beam Processing
- Beam Angle and Output Energy of Ruby Laser in External Mirror Alignment
- Study on Saturat Process by Anomalous Dispersion of Ruby Laser
- Stimulated Emission from Nd^ Glass
- The Surface Temperature of Metals Heated with Laser
- Highly Collimated Laser Beam from Tunable Distributed-Feedback Dye Laser
- Blazing of Holographic Grating by Ion Etching Technique
- Triggering Characteristics of TEA CO_2 Laser
- Internal Q-Switching in a CdS Laser Pumped by an Electron Beam
- A Transverse Electron Beam Source for the Excitation of CW Lasers
- Cold Jet Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy: The v_3 Band of UF_6
- Temperature Tuning of 4-Methylumbelliferone Dye Laser
- Crystallization of Vacuum-Deposited Indium Antimonide Films by the Electron Beam Zone-Melting Process
- Bi-Level Structures for Focused Ion Beam Using Maskless Ion Etching
- Wavelength Control of Thin Film DFB Laser by Changing Film Thickness
- Modulation of the Optical Guided Wave by UV Light Excitation
- Reaction Temperature of HgS
- UF6 Photodissociation through Measurement of Visible and Infrared Luminescence
- Formation of High Resistance Region in GaAs by Ga Focused-Ion-Beam Implantation
- Characteristics of the Time-Resolved Photoluminescence in Microcrystalline Si
- Thermal Conductivity of ThO2-UO2 System
- Reactive Species Produced by Laser Irradiation. The Reaction of CN Radicals with Hydrocarbons
- The Reaction of Water Vapor and Carbon Vapor Produced by Laser Irradiation
- Laser-induced Chemical Reactions. VI. On the Formation Processes of Acetylene
- Laser-induced Chemical Reactions. III. The Decomposition of Metal Salts of Carboxylic Acid and Selective Decomposition
- Laser-induced Chemical Reactions. IV. Reactions of Carbon Vapor with Hydrogen at Various Pressures
- The Decomposition of Organic Substances by Laser Heating