Atomic Force Mcroscopic Images of Acidic Conditioning Agents on Various Regions of Human Dentin
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to investigate the morphological differences of human dentin after two types of acidic conditioning: etching reagent and self-etching primer using an AFM. The 6 upper first premolars were used in this study. The specimens were divided into three groups: group 1, No-pretreatment; group 2, Etching treatment with 10% citric acid-3% ferric chloride solution in Super-bond C&B system; group 3, an etching treatment with a self-etching primer, ED primer II, in Panavia Fluoro cement. These specimens were divided into the crown and root dentin and were observed in situ using an AFM. In the no-pretreatment specimen, the diameters of dentinal tubules in both the surface and middle layers of the crown dentin were narrower than in the deep layer of crown dentin. The diameters of dentinal tubules in the root dentin were narrower than that of crown dentin. Furthermore, the peritubular dentin was observed more clearly in the root dentin as compared with the crown dentin. After etching with a 10-3 solution of Super-bond C&B, the peritubular dentin was removed in both the crown and root dentin. The diameters of dentinal tubules were wider than that of no-pretreatment dentin. After ED primer II treatment, the peritubular dentin was removed in the crown dentin, but remained in the root dentin. It was concluded that differences in the dentin region after two types of acidic conditioning were influenced the arrangement of collagen fibers, the amount of collagen, and different sets of matrix proteins in the dentin.
- 日本再生歯科医学会の論文
- 2006-03-30
Department of Dental Biomaterial, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo
三島 弘幸
三島 弘幸
日本大学松戸歯学部 2解剖
三島 弘幸
三島 弘幸
三島 弘幸
三島 弘幸
小沢 幸重
MISHIMA Hiroyuki
Department of Histology, Cell Biology, and Embryology, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsu
小澤 幸重
小澤 幸重
小澤 幸重
小沢 幸重
小沢 幸重
小沢 幸重
小澤 幸重.
日本大松戸歯第2解剖 : 日本大学松戸歯学部口腔科学研究所
KOZAWA Yukishige
Department of Histology, Cytology and Developmental Anatomy, Nihon University School of Dentistry at
Hayakawa Tohru
Nihon Univ. School Of Dentistry At Matsudo Chiba Jpn
Hayakawa Tohru
Nihon Univ. Graduate School Of Dentistry At Matsudo Chiba Jpn
Hayakawa Tohru
Department Of Appilied Biology Faculty Of Textile Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Hayakawa Tohru
Laboratory Of Applied Biotechnology Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
Hayakawa T
Department Of Dental Materials Research Institute Of Oral Science Nihon University School Of Dentist
Department of Oral Function and Anatomy, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry a
Nomura Kayo
Department Of Health Sciences Kochi Gakuen College
Department of Health Sciences, Kochi Gakuen College
Department of Health Sciences, Kochi Gakuen College
小沢 幸重
Oono Yuka
Department Of Health Sciences Kochi Gakuen College
Nakaishi Yuko
Department Of Health Sciences Kochi Gakuen College
Nakaishi Yuko
Department Of Biological Science Faculty Of Science Kumamoto University
Mishima Hiroyuki
Department Of Health Sciences Kochi Gakuen College:department Of Histology Cytology And Development
Mishima Hiroyuki
Department Of Dental Materials And Anatomy
Kozawa Yukishige
Department Of Dental Materials And Anatomy
Kozawa Yukishige
Department Of Histology Cytology And Development Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
Kozawa Yukishige
Department Of Histology Cytology And Developmental Anatomy And Research Institute Of Oral Science Ni
Kozawa Yukishige
Department Of Histology Cytology And Developmental Anatomy Nihon University School Of Dentistry At M
Kozawa Yukishige
Department Of Anatomy Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
Kozawa Yukishige
Department Of Anatomy School Of Dentistry Nihon University School Of Dentistry
Kozawa Yukishige
Nihon Univ. Sch. Of Dent. At Matsudo Dept. Of Anatomy
Kozawa Yukishige
Department Of Anatomy Ii Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
Kozawa Yukishige
Department Of Histology Cytology And Development Nihon University School Of Dentistry:research Insti
Mishima Hiroyuki
Department Of Histology Cell Biology And Embryology Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
Mishima Hiroyuki
Department Of Health Sciences Kochi Gakuen College
Kozawa Yukishige
Departments Of Oral Histology Nihon University School Of Dentistry
Mishima Hiroyuki
Department Of Health Sciences Kochi Gakuen College:department Of Histology Cytology And Development
Mishima Hiroyuki
Department. Of Anatomy Nihon University School Of Dentistry
三島 弘幸
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