相模湾真鶴港における海洋環境の周年ならびに経年変化 : 1995年から1999年
- 論文の詳細を見る
Seasonal and annual variations of environmental factors were examined to understand marine environments in the coastal area of Sagami Bay, Japan in the 1990s. Temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a, and dry weight (DW) and ash free dry weight (AFDW) as zooplankton biomass were measured at Manazuru Port located in the north-western part of Sagami Bay, every week from 1995 to 1999. Rainfall data taken at Manazuru village office was used during the same period. Irradiance was also measured at Manazuru Marine Laboratory for Science Education, Yokohama National University from 1997 to 1999. Temperature ranged between 11.8℃ and 28.2℃ and salinity between 24.0 and 37.0. Salinity values were often influenced by the amount of the rainfall, which caused sudden decreases of salinity in surface waters. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0.19mg/m^3 to 106mg/m^3. Chlorophyll a concentrations increased during summer and showed maximum values of more than 30mg/m^3 every year. This annual pattern was different from that in the typical temperate area as showing two peaks in the chlorophyll a concentration of spring and autumn through the year. The chlorophyll a concentration in the present study was compared with the published data, and the long-term variation in the coastal area of Sagami Bay was discussed. DW and AFDW increased during April and June throughout the period. The maximum abundances were 506mg/m^3 as DW and 202mg/m^3 as AFDW. The average DW was 55.8mg/m^3 and AFDW was 24.8mg/m^3. AFDW occupied nearly half the portion of DW throughout the period. This result suggests that biomass values of zooplankton should be denoted in terms of AFDW rather than DW in near shore areas such as Manazuru Port. Monitoring the environmental factors continuously is needed to understand the changes of the environmental conditions in the coast of Sagami Bay.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 2000-03-31
田口 哲
菊池 知彦
田口 哲
戸田 龍樹
藤木 徹一
濱崎 恒二
高橋 一生
吉田 輝明
菊池 知彦
Toda Tatsuki
Facuity Of Engineering Soka University
戸田 龍樹
戸田 龍樹
創価大学工学部 環境共生工学科
田口 哲
藤木 徹一
浜崎 恒二
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