精神遅滞児の身体協応能力テストの開発 : Kiphard-BCTを利用した検査項目の試案
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The aims of resent investigation were to restandardized the BCT (Body Coordination Test), designed by Kiphard, E. J. et. al. in West Germany, and to clear the development of body coordination ability in Japanese normal Children. The BCT is made up of following tasks. Task 1. Balancing Backwards (BB) over three progressively narrower 3-meter boards 5cm above the ground; boards are 6cm, 4.5cm, 3cm wide. Task 2. Jumping Sideways (JS) over a 65cm×4cm×2cm lath on the floor for 15 seconds. Task 3. Shifting platforms sidewise (SP) standing on two 25cm×25cm boards with four rubber door bumpers 5cm high for 20 seconds. As the BCT requires motor situation different from the everyday movement patterns of school children, the subjects have to adapt their sensory motor systems to the new tasks. We, as well as Kiphard, E. J., hypothesized these tasks as involving balance, dynamic energy, or speed. The subjects in the BCT were 358 boys and 333 girls with CA's from 6:0 to 12:11. We discussed the results as follows: (1) On these tasks the development of body coordination ability in subjects were in proportion to their CA. Especially the preschool age children failing in balance task (Task 1) will suggest neurological brain unmaturation. Significant differentiation was found between boys and girls, particularly in age extremes, 7 in Task 1, 11 in Task 2, and 8 in Task 3. Boys and girls should be scored and standardized separatelly. (2) There were significant differentiation between West Germany and Japanese Children except few age groups as the results of comparison between them. This result will show the strength in body coordination ability in Japanese children. (3) In order to assess body coordination ability, we converted raw scores of these tasks into scaled scores (SS), There 3% children of all who were assessed "WORSE" through use of SS, and we diagnosed their cases as neurological dysfunction or unmaturation. Thus, the BCT can contribute to the diagnosis of neurological brain dysfunction and can indicate the level of developmental retardation of the motor dimension "body coordination and movement control (Kiphard, E. J. 1976)". We would like to apply the BCT to assess developmental abilities of mentally retarded or other handicapped children in the future.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1987-10-31
安井 友康
永松 裕希
永松 裕希
七木田 敦
小林 芳文
木村 幸恵
大津 正広
七木田 敦
安井 友康
木村 幸恵
大津 正廣
大津 正広
小林 芳文
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