大英帝国下における家庭科教育に関する一試論 : 大英帝国連盟と家庭科教育
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The purpose of this article is to examine several features of domestic science at elementary schools and secondary schools in the British Empire from late-19th century to early 20th century in the integrated light of the empire-builder's organization (especially the League of the Empire) and women's education. Firstly, after a brief description of the background on women's education in late-19th century, we point out several constant features of domestic science as one of school-curriculum for only girls over 100 years, to help them to become competent wives and mothers. Secondly, we examine that the development in extension of domestic subjects in the curriculum for elementary schoolgirls fears about the future of the British race and the decline of the British Empire. Thirdly, we clarify several important features on policies of domestic science of two imperial conferences held by the League of the Empire (1907 and 1912) at details. Lastly, we point out that according to the contents of debates in Imperial Conference of Teachers' Association in 1912, several imperial ideologies influenced on domestic science at elementary and secondary schools in England and Wales.
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