言語発達遅滞児の言語指導に関する一考察(1) : 聴能と音声言語能との関連において
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The program of auditory training, and of speech and language teaching for a language and speech delayed child (CA 11:0) is to be considered here. Having observed auditory functions and speech production of the subject, the author planed a short term teaching program for the development of the subject's language and speech. 1. The level of the subject's auditory functions was excessively primitive. (1) The subject's auditory sensitivity was within the range of normal state, but auditory on-off responses to sounds are very slow. Differences between ascending sequence and descending sequence to auditory discrimination were 10-15dB through 250-8000Hz. (2) Time for reacting to sound presentation (on-situation) and to sound interruption (off-situation) was terribly delayed. (3) Auditory discrimination of speech and non-speech sound was disturbed by the competing noise mingled in collateral ear. 2. Speech perception (auditory function) was closely connected with speech production (speech and language function). In addition, not only the manner of speech production but also syntax and semantics as well as acoustic features must be considered essential to study speech perception and its relation to speech production. The use of a minimal pair which are constructed by distinctive feature (manners and points of articulation) helps to evaluate the present condition of the subject's speech production (articulation) and then helps to improve it. Both auditory analysis of words into speech sounds and auditory synthesis of multisyllable words from speech sounds (phones) are important factors for speech and language learning. The fundamental training step for the development of speech and language depends on the formation of listening attitude, the improvement of auditory discrimination and the expansion of auditory attention span. From evaluations (diagnoses) and training effects stated above, the author assumes that the subject's language and speech behavior will be improved by the speech and language learning in which the subject is required to acquire phonetic rules and to connect them with signs and written linguistic coding system. It is to be recognized, after all, that auditory perceptual motor function (speech perception) is closely connected with speech production in speech-perception mechanism (motor command of speech perception).
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1975-10-15
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