Disorder-Driven Quantum Phase Transition from Antiferromagnetic Metal to Insulating State in Multilayered High-T_c Cuprate (Cu, C) Ba_2Ca_4Cu_5O_y(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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We report on superconducting (SC) characteristics for the oxygen-reduced Cu-based five-layered high-temperature superconductor (Cu,C)Ba_2Ca_4Cu_5O_y [Cu-1245(OPT)], which includes pyramidal outer planes (OPs) and square inner planes (IPs). As a result of a reduction in the carrier density, the superconductivity for Cu-1245(OPT) occurs at the nearly optimally doped OPs with T_c=98K. The onset of static antiferromagnetic (AFM) order at IPs is evidenced from the observation of zero-field Cu NMR at low temperatures, although the SC transition at OPs emerges below T_c=98K. A disorder, which is actually mapped onto the underdoped IPs, is demonstrated to cause a quantum phase transition from AFM metal to insulating state in an underdoped regime. This finding reinforces that an AFM metallic phase exists between the AFM insulating phase and the SC phase for the ideally flat CuO_2 plane without disorder, as reported for the IPs in optimally doped Hg-1245 with the same doping level as in Cu-1245(OPT).
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2006-12-15
KITO Hijiri
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
IYO Akira
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
MUKUDA Hidekazu
Department of Materials Engineering Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Universit
Department of Materials Engineering Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Universit
Kito Hijiri
Jst Trip
Kito Hijiri
National Inst. Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol. (aist) Ibaraki Jpn
Iyo Akira
National Inst. Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol. (aist) Ibaraki Jpn
KODAMA Yasuharu
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Kito Hijiri
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Yoh Kohori
Department Of Material Science Faculty Of Science Himeji Institute Of Technology
Kohori Y
Chiba Univ. Chiba
Kobayashi Y
Department Of Physics Division Of Material Science Nagoya University
Iyo A
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Hidekazu Mukuda
Department Of Materials Engineering Science Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Kitaoka Y.
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Kitaoka Yoshio
Department Of Material Physics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Mukuda Hidekazu
Department Of Materials Engineering Science Osaka University
Shimizu Sunao
Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
TOKIWA Kazuyasu
Department of Applied Electronics, Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, Tokyo University of
Department of Applied Electronics, Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, Tokyo University of
ABE Machiko
Department of Materials Engineering Science, Osaka University
Department of Materials Engineering Science, Osaka University
TANAKA Yasutomo
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Tanaka Yasutomo
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology
Mukuda Hidekazu
Department Of Materials Engineering Science Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Kawasaki Y
Department Of Quantum Materials Science University Of Tokushima
Abe Machiko
Department Of Materials Engineering Science Osaka University
Kitaoka Y
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Tokiwa K
Applied Electronics Faculty Of Industrial Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Science
Tokiwa Kazuyasu
Department Of Applied Electronics Science University Of Tokyo
Tokiwa Kazuyasu
Applied Electronics Faculty Of Industrial Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Science
Watanabe Tsuneo
Applied Electronics Faculty Of Industrial Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Science
Watanabe Tsuneo
Department Of Applied Electronics Faculty Of Industrial Science And Technology Science University Of
Department of Materials Engineering Science, Osaka University
Department of Applied Electronics, Tokyo University of Science
Watanabe Tsuneo
Departmen of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Mukuda Hidekazu
Department of Materials Engineering Science, Osaka University
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