Abnormal Magnetoresistance on Non-superconducting NdFeAsO_<1-y>
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2008-09-15
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
SHIRAGE Parasharam
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
KITO Hijiri
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
IYO Akira
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Kito Hijiri
Jst Trip
Kito Hijiri
National Inst. Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol. (aist) Ibaraki Jpn
Kito Hijiri
Nanoelectronics Research Institute (neri) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Tech
Miyazawa Kiichi
Jst Trip
Miyazawa Kiichi
Nanoelectronics Research Institute (neri) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Tech
Iyo Akira
National Inst. Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol. (aist) Ibaraki Jpn
Iyo Akira
Nanoelectronics Research Institute (neri) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Tech
TANAKA Yasumoto
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Iyo Akira
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Kito Hijiri
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Shirage Parasharam
Jst Trip
Shirage Parasharam
Nanoelectronics Research Institute (neri) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Tech
Iyo A
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Mimura Kojiro
Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center Hiroshima University
Mamiya Kazutoshi
Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center Hiroshima University
Tanaka Yasutomo
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology
Yanagisawa Takashi
National Inst. Crop Sci. Ibaraki Jpn
Yanagisawa Takashi
National Agricultural Research Center for the Western Region
- Lattice Dynamics of LaFeAsO_F_x and PrFeAsO_ via Inelastic X-Ray Scattering and First-Principles Calculation(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Sheet Dependence on Superconducting Gap in Oxygen-Deficient Iron-Based Oxypnictide Superconductors NdFeAsO_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Effect of Structural Parameters on Superconductivity in Fluorine-Free LnFeAsO_ (Ln=La, Nd)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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- Two-Dimensional Spin Density Wave State in LaFeAsO
- Observation of Softened Fe Modes in K-Doped BaFe_2As_2 via ^Fe Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering
- Gigantic Effect of Pressure in CeFeAsO_
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- Suppression of Magnetic Order by Pressure in BaFe_2As_2
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- Abnormal Magnetoresistance on Non-superconducting NdFeAsO_
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- ^As-NQR/NMR Studies on Oxygen-Deficient Iron-Based Oxypnictide Superconductors LaFeAsO_ (y=0, 0.25, 0.4) and NdFeAsO_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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- Fermi Surface and Mass Enhancement in KFe2As2 from de Haas–van Alphen Effect Measurements
- Gigantic Effect of Pressure in CeFeAsO1-y
- Anomalous AC Susceptibility Response of (Cu,C)Ba2Ca2Cu3Oy: Experimental Indication of Two-Component Vortex Matter in Multi-Layered Cuprate Superconductors
- Possible Multiple Gap Superconductivity with Line Nodes in Heavily Hole-Doped Superconductor KFe2As2 Studied by 75As Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance and Specific Heat
- X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy Study of the Effect of Doping on the Low Energy Electronic Structure of PrFeAsO1-δ
- Chiral Ground State in Three-Band Superconductors
- Phase Instability in Multi-band Superconductors
- Antiferromagnetic Phase Transition in Four-Layered High-$T_{\text{c}}$ Superconductors Ba2Ca3Cu4O8(FyO1-y)2 with $T_{\text{c}}=55--102$ K: 63Cu- and 19F-NMR Studies
- Isotope Effect in Multi-Band and Multi-Channel Attractive Systems and Inverse Isotope Effect in Iron-Based Superconductors
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- Strange Inter-Layer Properties of Ba(Fe
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