Ulitaprecision Machining Characteristics of Poly-Crystalline Germanium
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Germanium is an excellent infrared optical material. 0n most occasions, singlecrystalline germanium is used as optical lens substrate because its homogeneous structure is beneficial for fabricating uniform optical surfaces. In this work, we attempt to use poly crystals as lens substrates instead of single crystals, which may lead to a significant reduction in production cost. We conducted ultraprecision cutting experiments on poly-crystanine germanium to examine the microscopic machinability. The crystal orientations of specific crystal grains were characterized, and the machining characteristics of these crystal grains including surface textures, cutting forces, and grain boundary steps were investigated under various machining conditions. It was possible to produce uniformly ductile-cut surfaces cross all crystal grains by using an extremely small undeformed chip thickness (~80nm)under negative tool rake angles (~-45°).This work indicates the possibility of fabricating high-quality infrared optical components from poly-crystalline germanium.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-03-15
SATO Yutaka
Department of Biological Mechanisms and Functions, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nago
久保 愛三
Tamaki Jun'ichi
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kitami Institute Of Technology
YAN Jiwang
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kitami Institute of Technology
Department of Mechatronics and Precision Engineering, Tohoku University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kitami Institute of Technology
KUBO Akihiko
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kitami Institute of Technology
Yan Jiwang
Tohoku University
Yan Jiwang
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kitami Institute Of Technology
Kubo Akihiko
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kitami Institute Of Technology
Kuriyagawa Tsunemoto
Department Of Mechatronics And Precision Engineering Tohoku University
Sato Yutaka
Department Of Biological Mechanisms And Functions Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya
Takahashi Yasunori
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kitami Institute Of Technology
Takahashi Yasunori
Department Of Electronic Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Gunma University
Yan Jiwang
Department Of Nanomechanics Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Sato Yutaka
Department Of Material Processing Tohoku University
Sato Yutaka
Department Of Biochemistry And Oral Health Science Center Tokyo Dental College
KUBO Akihiro
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kitami Institute of Technology
Department of Nanomechanics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Sato Yutaka
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan
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