地域資源の保全と開発に関する研究(I) : 地域開発研究の歴史的展開過程
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In an attempt to analyze the conservation and development of the regional resources, we studied the trend on regional development. Those regional studies described a general development as historical process of regional development from Renaissance to the present. The result of this thesis is summarized as follows: 1) Studies describing ideal and utopian future society. 2) Studies to reform the current society. 3) Studies to maintain the current society. For the continued maintainance and development of the regional resources, we think the regional societies need to have the following: 1) Political and economical independence. 2) Activation and maintainance of the regional culture. 3) The development by the inhabitant's participation. 4) Balance between development and environmental conservation. 5) Recognition of the territorialism by the central government and the international communities.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1993-03-25
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