足利短期大学看護科における進路指導 : 創設から5年間の取り組み(看護科)
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The School of nursing of Ashikaga Junior College has sent out graduates from the 1st year in March 2000 to those in the 5th year since its foundation in 1996. The College has systematically dealt with students' employment and further education (hereinafter referred to as future course) since its establishment. The Course Direction Implementation Committee has taken a central role in carrying out direction under a bipolar direction system, i. e. the total direction and individual direction in order for students to be able to make subjective decision on the basis of their own intention. Information available in and outside the College relating to courses is aggregated to the Committee. While direction was carried out on consistency, total direction was provided as guidance, and individual direction was provided under a cooperative system of group direction consisting of both the course consultation room and the seminar system (hereinafter referred to as a seminar). As a result, there were many opinions affirming the direction system in the student questionnaire for fiscal 2001. We would like to apply this system for future activities, taking students' requests into consideration.
- 足利短期大学の論文
- 2004-03-01
杉原 喜代美
杉原 喜代美
橋本 知子
安川 さち子
新開 信吉
倉林 きよみ
八下田 マサ子
安川 さち子
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