The Effects of The Great Hanshin-Awaji Eathquake on Activities of Dialy Living of the Elderly and Disabled
- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated changes of activities of daily living of the elderly and disabled by the Barthel Index scores before, immediately after, and six months after the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. According to variation in the overall Barthel Index scores before and after the quake, We divided the subjefts into two groups; The patients whose total scores had not changed after the quake were allocated to Groupl and the others to Group2. In Group2, physical condition got worse immediately after the quake and their bad condition continued for six months. The same tendency of the scores for the Barthel Index scores for mobility activities was recognized. These results suggested that after a big disaster the elderly and disabled who suffer from deterioration of physical conditions run a high risk of worsening dynamic movements in ADL. And once they lose their functional movements, such people may not recover them for a long time under the conditions following a disaster.
- 神戸大学の論文
- 1997-01-24
Faculty of Health Sciences, Kobe University School of Medicine
Shimizu Mio
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Muraki Toshiaki
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Yoneda Toshihiko
Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
Nagao Toru
Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
Taketomi Yoshio
Rigakushinryohka Hospital
Division of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
Taketomi Yoshio
Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
Setoh Noriko
Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
Kawabata Makie
Faculty of Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
Ishikawa Yuichi
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Ishikawa Yuichi
Faculty Of Bioresource Sciences Akita Prefectural University
Nagao Toru
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Setoh Noriko
Division Of Physical Therapy Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Kawabata Makie
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Muraki Toshiaki
Division Of Physical Therapy Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
Yoneda Toshihiko
Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine
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