- 論文の詳細を見る
The Chojabaru Diatomite, well-known for yielding fossils of plant, fish and insect was excavated in September, 1969. The geology of this formation and fossils are preliminarily reported in this paper. On the stratigraphic position of the Chojabaru Diatomite, two different views have been presented; one maintains that the diatomite is a certain facies of the Katsumoto Formation distributed in northern Iki (MATSUI, 1958), while the other insists that the diatomite is an independent formation between the Pliocene Iki Formation and the Paleogene Katsumoto Formation (NODA, 1962). According to the result of our survey the latter view seems acceptable, with a supposition that the diatomite, pyroclastic rocks and basalt at Chojabaru and the mudstone including plant fossils and volcanics at Kuki would be considered as a part of sediments in the "Green Tuff Region" of Japan. The fossil land plants in dicate an affinity to the Daijima Flora representing the Middle Miocene flora of Japan. On the other hand, they are related to the Shanwang Flora of Shantung, China. The fossil fauna of insects from Chojabaru, comprising the races of warm climate, supports the conclusion drawn from the fossil flora. The diatomite of Chojabaru consists of a rather few species of diatom. The lower part is characterized by the dominance of Coscinodiscus rothii and its variety, normanii, the upper part comprises some species of Melosira, and the middle part seems to be a transitional part. Such a floral change of diatom in the Chojabaru Diatomite suggests a gradual change from a lagoon or brackish lake to a fresh water lake. A large fish from the middle part is identical with the living species of carp with confer as revealed by the careful dissection of the specimen. The fossil materials from the Chojabaru Diatomite, except for insects described in this Memoir, are being examined in more detail and will be described in the near future. The geology of this area was surveyed mainly by ISHIDA and HAYASHI, the fossils were studied by NOGUCHI (diatoms), ISHIDA (land plants), FUJIYAMA (insects) and TOMODA (fishes), respectively.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1970-10-20
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石田 志朗
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