- 論文の詳細を見る
The northwestern region of Kagoshima Prefecture is covered by late Cenozoic volcanic rocks and volcanic ejecta. Intercalated within these volcanic strata, sedimentary rocks of lacustrine origin are scatteringly distributed in small areas, but their stratigraphic succession has not been clarified yet. These lake deposits yield abundant well-preserved plant fossils and several insect fossils (FUJIYAMA and IWAO, 1974). ONOE (1972) distinguished three different fossil floras in this region and deduced their geologic ages from the components as follows : (1) Shigehira flora (late Pliocene), (2) Nagano flora ? (earliest Pleistocene). and (3) Yoshida flora (early Pleistocene). However, there is a different view which assigns the Shigehira and Nagano floras to older ages than the above-mentioned. The writers recorded 19 species of fossil insects, as shown in p.4-5,from four localities, Shiake, Iriki-toge, Nagano and Togo. The first locality is of the Shigehira flora and the last two are of the Nagano fiora. The second locality is of a little younger age than the first one, but its flora is composed of rather cold-temperate elements differing from the Shigehira flora. Iwao, one of the present authors, considers that the age of the Togo fromation is Middle and/or Late Pliocene. Most of the species recorded belong to the families comprising a great number of species that resemble one another. Only two species are possibly identified to the living species, and some species, e.g., stonefly from Iriki-toge, rutellian beetle from Shiake, mayfly and Bibionid flies from Togo, do not possibly correspond to any living species. The new forms will be described on another occasion. The rest of the species are impossible to be specifically identified because of their poor state of preservation. It is noticeable that some extinct species are found in the fossil insect fauna ot Togo, whereas all of the fossil leaves correspond to the species living in Japan.
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