<国立科博専報>対馬中部, 塩浜付近の対州層群中のサイクルと堆積
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Stratigraphical and tectonic frameworks of the Palaeogene Taishu Group appear to have been established in the central part of Tsushima (Fig. 1). There is no doubt that the strata in the Shiohama area of central Tsushima represent the upper formation of the tripartite Taishu Group. The present authors have studied the Taishu Group in the shiohama srea in order to reveal the character of sedimentation at this particular section. The studied section of the Taishu Group is subdivisible into nine sequences (S_1 to S_9)(Figs. 2,3). Investigation of the lithologic associations in the successive sequences clarifies systematic repetition suggestive of cyclicity. A generalized repetition consists of the following units in ascending order : (1) massive, black claystone with or without marly nodules and layers, (2) siltstone, showing stratification markedly disturbed by burrowing organisms, (3) muddy to normal alternation of thin beds of sandstone and shale, and (4) cross-stratified, thick-bedded sandstone (arenite) with excellent ripple-marks of a small scale. This sequence and slight variations of it recur throughout the studied section. Such a rhythmic pattern represents a typical coarsening-upward, asymmetrical cycle and is well comparable with the Haboro cycle recognized in the Cretaceous sequence of the Yezo geosyncline, Hokkaido (OKADA and MATSUMOTO, 1969). Through the analysis of the cyclicity this paper seeks to emphasize "deltaic" aspects of the depositional environment of the studied sequence of the Taishu Group. The result confirms the previously presented view that the upper formation of the Taishu Group in central Tsushima indicates a major regressive phase.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1970-10-20
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