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NAKAMURA (1963,1969) classified the crucian carp populations of the Japanese Islands into five subspecies, namely, (1) Carassius auratus langsdorfi, (2) C. a. cuvieri, (3) C. a. grandoculis, (4) C. a. buergeri, and (5) unnamed subspecies (Kin-buna). According to him, C. a. langsdorfi is distributed throughout the all islands, wbile the others are more or less restricted in the range of geographical distributions. However, as regards C. a. buergeri, which was first recorded from the Lake Suwa in 1963,the limit of its distribution was obscure in Nakamura's paper. Besides, morphological criteria of this subspecies were not clear. KOBAYASI et al. (1973) had once recognized C. a. buergeri from the Japan Sea-side of Northeastem Japan, but later, he amended his view by proposing for these specimens"Type of the Japan Sea-side"of C. a. langsdorfi (KOBAYASI, 1980,1982). From the result of his electrophoretic study of muscle protains, TANIGUCHI (1974) proposed an interpretation different from those of NAKAMURA, KOBAYASI and KOBAYASI et al, so far as langsdorfi and the so-called buergeri are concerned. With such a background, a re-examination on various local opulations of the crucian carp of Japan has been made (TOMODA, unpublished). This paper is the first part of the series of the works dealing with fish from the Northeastern Japan. According to MATSUSHIMA (1979), the crucian carp of the Lake Inawashiro belongs to C. a. langsdorfi in the sensu of NAKAMURA. But, in his description, Matsushima emphasized the coiling type of intestine, which is the character proposed by KAFUKU (1952), and distinguished an intermediate type of specimen among his material by the state of intestinal coiling. MATSUSHIMA considered it as a hybrid between langsdorfi and cuvieri. the latter is said to have been artificially introduced into the Lake Inawashiro. As regards the samples collected in 1982 from the Lake Inawashiro for the present study, states of intestinal coiling demonstrate a high degree of variation. Apart from the peculiarity of intestinal coiling, however, none of characters fall within the variability of C. a. langsdorfi or hybrid of cuvieri and langsdorfi. With many diagnostic characters, the present specimens have a morphological peculiarity unique to the population of this lake, although they are similar to C. a. buergeri illustrated by NAKAMURA (1969). These morphological characters are shown in detail in Table 1. Among these morphological characters, a special development of the pneumatic bulb, which is located at the anterior end of the pneumatic duct of the air bladder, was noticiable in the present materials from the Lake Inawashiro. An extraordinarily developed pneumatic bulb was found in C. a. grandoculis (TOMODA, 1963,1965) and some other cyprinids of the Lake Biwa (TOMODA, 1982). But, scrutiny of this organ made it clear that the fish in the Lake Inawashiro is somewhat different from that of grandoculis in the Lake Biwa. The highly differentiated pneumatic bulb of the crucian carp in the Lake Inawashiro may be explained by an evolutional change occurred during the geohistory of this lake.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1983-12-01
- 日本の新生代淡水魚類相
- 琵琶湖の地史と、固有種の起源について
- 壱岐長者原珪藻上層とその化石
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- 東海・近畿地方におけるゼノキプリス亜科魚類の発見について (南アルプスと紀伊半島を中心とする地域の自然史科学的総合研究-1-)
- 高知沖で採集した深海性魚類の背大動脈靱帯の比較形態学
- 壱岐・対馬の淡水魚類相についての予察的研究
- 1967 年採集の陸中産淡水魚類
- 古琵琶湖層群から得た新しい古生物学的資料
- 日本列島の淡水魚類