Generation of Electron-Acoustic Signals and Distribution of Potential in Transistor Chip under Applied of Bias
- 論文の詳細を見る
An observation area was first selected using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)-mode images. Switching to an electron-acoustic microscopy (EAM)-mode, the area selected from SEM images was then studied with EAM images using electron-acoustic signals. We carried out nondestructive internal observation at the fixed area of an Si transistor chip put into operation by application of bias voltage (V_b) in situ by EAM. The results showed that (a) the distribution of potential caused by V_b application in the chip could be determined nondestructively from the change in the contrast of EAM images and (b) the internal structure of devices in operation could be observed nondestructively by EAM.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-05-30
Takenoshita Hiroshi
Deparment Of Elctronics College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Takenoshita Hiroshi
Department Of Physics And Electronics College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
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