Far-Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Heavily Doped p-GaAs for Various Hole Concentrations
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We report far-infrared reflectance spectra of Be-doped p-type GaAs for hole concentrations between 3.5×10^<18> and 2.9×10^<19> cm^<-3>. The spectral features of p-GaAs are quite different from the typical spectra of n-GaAs. The spectral shape analysis indicates that the free hole damping constant is about 8 times larger than that of n-GaAs.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-07-15
WAKAKI Moriaki
Department of Optical and Imaging Science and Technology, School of Engineering, Tokai University
Ohta Koji
Nikki Inspection Services Co. Ltd.
Ohta K
Advanced Technology Research Laboratories Sharp Corporation
OHTA Kimihiro
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Ohta K
Nec Corp. Ibaraki Jpn
Wakaki M
Tokai Univ. Kanagawa Jpn
Wakaki Moriaki
Department O Electro-photo-optics Engineering Tokai University
JASCO Corporation
Fukasawa R
Communications Res. Lab. Ministry Of Posts And Telecommunications Kobe Jpn
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