Application of a Hall Accelerator to Diamondlike Carbon Film Coatings
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-06-15
Okada Morihiro
Advanced Materials & Technology Research Laboratories Nippon Steel Corporation
Okada M
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University
Yamamoto Y
College Of Engineering Hosei University
Yamamoto Yuichi
Division Of Electronic And Information Engineering Faculty Of Technology Tokyo University Of Agricul
Yamamoto Y
Nara Inst. Sci. And Technol. Nara Jpn
TOKU Hisayuki
Institute of Atomic Energy, Kyoto University
Institute of Atomic Energy, Kyoto University
Yoshikawa Kiyoshi
Institute Of Atomic Energy Kyoto University
Yamamoto Yoshitugu
Department Of Chemistry For Materials Faculty Of Engineering Mie University
Okada M
Faculty Of Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Toku Hisayuki
Institute Of Atomic Energy Kyoto University
Otsuka M
Sumita Optical Glass Inc.
Yoshikawa Kiyoshi
Institute Of Advanced Energy Kyoto University
Yoshikawa K
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Shizuoka
Yamamoto Y
Material Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
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- Characteristics of Hall Accelerator for Helium-Ion Beam Extraction
- Application of a Hall Accelerator to Diamondlike Carbon Film Coatings
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- Evolution of Mechanical Properties of Cast Zr_Cu_Al_ Glassy Alloys by Structural Relaxation
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- Bi-2211/Ag Superconducting Insert Magnet for High Magnetic Field Generation over 22 T
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- Improvement in Jitter Characteristics in Mark Edge Recording for Phase Change Media
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- Layer-By-Layer Controlled Digital Etching by Means of an Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma System
- Development of Land Mine Detector System Based on the Measurements of Capture γ-Rays with Anticoincidence and Coincidence Methods
- Preparation of (111)-Oriented β-Ta_2O_5 Thin Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Metalorganic Precursors
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- In situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Nanotip Fabrication with Field-Enhanced Surface Diffusiorn, Thermal Evaporation and Field Emission
- Theory of Transport Through a Single Atomic Junction ( Scanning Tunneling Microscopy)
- Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of c-Axis Oriented PZT Thin Films
- Morphological Change in Deposited Films of Calcium Stearate by Thermal Treatment
- Molecular Orientation in the Physical-Vapour-Deposited Thin Films of Calcium Stearate
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- Holographic Measurement of Lower Loss Tangent Using a Beam of Variable Cross Section(1st Report)-Calculation and Measurement of Amplitude Distribution-
- Measurement of Complex Volume Elastic Modulus of Liquid by Holography
- Effect of Axial Force on Holographic Measurement of Complex Elastic Modulus
- Vibration Analysis of a Loudspeaker by Holography
- Preparation of C-Axis-Oriented PLT Thin Films by the Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
- Analysis of Device Performance by Quasi Three-Dimensional Simulation for Thin Film Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Columnar Structure : Semiconductors
- Optimum Designing of Single Crystalline Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells with Graded Active Layer : Semiconductors
- Passivation Effect of Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposited SiNx on Single-Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells
- Undershooting, Flip-Flop and Set-Reset Operations in Electrooptic Bistable Devices
- Polarization-Independent and Optical-Damage-Insensitive LiNbO_3 Interferometric Waveguide Modulator : Waves, Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Fabrication of Ag-Sheathed Ba-Y-Cu Oxide Superconductor Tape : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Fabrication of a Spin-Polarized Electron Source with a Single Magnetite Whisker