シシウド(Angelica pubescens MAXIM.)果実のクマリン成分
- 論文の詳細を見る
From the fruits of Angelica pubescens MAXIM. (Umbelliferae), nine coumarins, osthol (1), byak-angelicin (9), ferulin (14), oxypeucedanin (15), umbelliferone (16), umbelliprenin (17), imperatorin (18), neobyakangelicol (19), 5-methoxy-8-(2-acetoxy-3-hydroxy-3-methylbutoxy) psoralen [sec-O-acetylbyakangelicin] (20) were isolated. The major component 17 was isolated for the first time from the plants growing in Japan.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1981-01-25
西野 隆雄
西野 隆雄
秦 清之
Osaka College of Pharmacy
秦 清之
小澤 貢
平井 陽市
和田 安弘
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