- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to detect Japnese or some other inferior Rhubarb mixed in official Rhubarb of Rheum palmatum or its variety tanguticum or R. officinale (J. P. VI) or used as its adulterant, the authors succeeded on their experiment making use of a capillary analysis. Japanese (R. undulatum) or other inferior Rhubarbs (R. undulatum, from China and Korea, R. collinianum, R. compactum, from China, R. rhaponticum of Europa etc.) contain Rhaponticin, which is not found in official Rhubarb. The method bases on the fluorescent reaction of Rhaponticin under the filtered ultra violet lipht on the capillar images of the extraction of Rhubarb. By their method, it is possible to detect 1% admixture of inferior qualities, whereas admixture under 25% is difficult to be detected through the fomer methods basing on the fluorescent reaction of Rhaponticin. Experiments: Solution A: Warm lg of powdered official Rhabarb in 40cc of 60% alcohol on a water bath for half an hour, then filtrate it after cooled. Solution B: Treat 0.1g of Japanese Rhubarb the same as the foromer. Mix A and B solutions each other with the following ratio: [table] Hang bands of filterpaper (Toyo filterpaper No. 2. 2cm wide and 30 cm long) so as the lower ends of the bands touch the bottom of glasses, 3 cm in diamater and in height inside, in which caeh above mixed solutions, samples from No. 1 to No. 5, are prepared. Take out the bands after an huor, then hang them again for an hour in distillated water (3 c each) separately in the same glasses. Then dry and test under filtered ultraviolet light. The bright blue fluorescence of Rhaponticin is noted at the lowerpart of images of sample No. 1, 2 and 3. The brightness of the fluorescence of No. 4 is the weakest, and it is difficult to detect the fluorescence in No. 5.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1953-01-01
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