Studies on Analgesic Oligopeptides. III. Synthesis and Analgesic Activity after Subcutaneous Administration of [D-Arg^2] dermorphin and Its N-Terminal Tetrapeptide Analogs
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[D-Arg^2] dermorphin and nineteen N-terminal tetrapeptide analogs were synthesized by a conventional solution method and their analgesic activities after subcutaneous administration to mice were examined. The analgesic effect was assessed by means of the tail pressure test. [D-Arg^2] dermorphin was found to have analgesic potency equal to or slightly greater than that of dermorphin. The N-terminal tetrapeptide, H-Tyr-D-Arg-Phe-Gly-OH (I), showed a potency 4.8 times that of morphine and comparable with that of dermorphin on a molar basis. Among the tetrapeptide analogs, several analogs in which Gly^4 was replaced by sarcosine or D-Ala exhibited very potent activity more than that of I. On the other hand, replacement of Gly^4 by Pro, Leu or D-Leu resulted in a marked decrease in potency. Replacement of either Phe^3 by other aromatic amino acid or D-Arg^2 by other basic D-amino acid gave analogs with greatly decreased activities. However, one analog whose guanidino functionality on D-Arg^2 was blocked by a nitro group, showed activity one-third that of the parent peptide (I). On the basis of these results, the structure-activity relationship for the tetrapeptide is discussed.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1985-04-25
櫻田 忍
鈴木 謙次
佐々木 有亮
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
鈴木 謙次
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
藤田 浩毅
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
桜田 忍
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
木皿 憲佐
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
松井 道子
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
桜田 司
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
細野 雅祐
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
田口 真澄
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
佐藤 卓美
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
佐藤 卓美
木皿 憲佐
桜田 司
櫻田 忍
東北薬科大学薬学部 機能形態
松井 道子
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
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