Analysis of the Stress and Strain Distributions in the Compressed Powder in the Limiting Equilibrium States Specified by the Mohr Criterion. Theory and Measurements of Mechanical Properties
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The theory of the limiting equilibrium states specified by the Mohr criterion was developed for the axially symmetrical problem in regard to tabletting. The unique solution of the equilibrium equations could be obtained when the stress field and the displacement field, which was calculated by using the stress-strain relations and the displacement-strain relations, satisfied the following boundary conditions : (1) the stress on the die wall satisfies the wall yield condition and the active pressure is applied to the die wall ; (2) the powder does not slide on the punches ; (3) the displacement at the die wall is produced only in the direction parallel to die wall. The above relations were derived on the base of the incremental theory and the theory of the velocity field in soil mechanics. The mechanical properties which were required for the numerical calculations on the computors were the yield locus, the wall yield locus and the stress-strain relation in the one-dimensional compression, which were obtained experimentally with the potassium chloride powder. The results of calculations showed that there appeared the region where the pressure was higher than in the neighbourhood and the region where the pressure was lower when the upper punch pressure changed from zero to 2 kg/cm^2.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1977-07-25
福森 義信
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
福森 義信
岡田 寿太郎
京都大学 薬
岡田 寿太郎
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
岡田 寿太郎
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
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