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To clarify the roles of egg components as precursors in a sweet aroma of roasted products like a sponge cake, a series of studies have been performed so far. This paper describes the results on four most common amino acids in egg yolk proteins; i. e. lysine, arginine, glutamic acid and leucine. A typical sweet aroma of sponge cake arose when lysine and glucose were roasted with lecithin (EPC) or triglyceride (ETG) prepared from eggs. The similar aroma was also formed from arginine or glutamic acid roasted with glucose and EPC. But an unpleasant odor arose from glutamic acid in which case eight characteristic hydrocarbons were identified in the head space volatiles by gas chromatography. No sponge cake aroma, however, was observed in the roasting of leucine with glucose and EPC. The aroma compounds including 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone as well as other furans, pyrazines and lactones were identified in the head space volatiles from the above amino acids, which showed a sweet sponge cake aroma. A total of 68 compounds, including 38 compounds newly identified as aroma constituents of roasted eggs, were detected in the head space volatiles from 54 different combinations of amino acids, lipids and glucose. In four amino acids examined in this study, lysine was the most contributable amino acid to produce a sponge cake aroma, followed by arginine and glutamic acid. Leucine, however, showed almost no contribution to this aroma formation.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1990-07-05
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