Towards Range Queries with Partial Dimensions in OLAP Applications (夏のデータベースワークショップDBWS2004)
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Multidimensional indices are very helpful to improve query performance on multidimensional data including relational data in ROLAP systems. The existing multidimensional indices are directed to "queries with all dimensions" (called QAD in this study). That is, the dimensions used in each query are all the dimensions in the whole space. However, in many applications, especially in OLAP-related ones, the queries may be only with some (partial) dimensions (not all) of the whole space, which is called QPD (Queries with Partial Dimensions) in this study. This study focuses on range queries with partial dimensions (RQPD), which is popular in OLAP applications. If the existing multidimensional indices are used in RQPD, the dimensions unused in the query are thought as spanning the whole data ranges, which often lead to not-good search performance. In these cases, certainly, we also can construct many indices with all the necessary combination of dimensions. However, this is very space/time-consuming since many indices have to be constructed and some dimensions may be used many times in different indices, which is not always feasible. In this study, we propose a novel solution to RQPD problem. With our solution, only one index is necessary to such applications. The performance of our solution is discussed in detail and is examined by experiments.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 2004-07-13
牧之内 顕文
Feng Yaokai
Graduate School Of Information Science And Electrical Engineering Department Of Intelligent Systems
Feng Y
Feng Yaokai
Hiroshi Ryu
Graduate School Of Information Science And Electrical Engineering Department Of Intelligent Systems
Wang Zhibin
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Department of Intelligent Systems
Makinouchi Akifumi
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Department of Intelligent Systems
牧之内 顕文
Graduate School Of Information Science And Electrical Engineering Department Of Intelligent Systems
Wang Zhibin
Graduate School Of Information Science And Electrical Engineering Department Of Intelligent Systems
Makinouchi Akifumi
Graduate School Of Information Science And E.e. Kyushu University
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