S-Benzoyl型Thiamine誘導体の微生物にたいする作用 : (I)Lactobacillus fermenti 36にたいする増殖効果
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It was confirmed by bioautography that S-benzoyl derivatives of thiamine namely BTMP, SBT and DBT were de-S-benzoylated to change into TMP, thiamine and OBT, respectively, by L-cysteine in MaciasR's medium. BTMP and SBT have effect as much as thiamine on Lactobacillus fermenti 36 in this medium, but if there is no L-cysteine in the medium, these compounds have little thiamine activity. DBT does not affect as thiamine on this organism. BTMP, SBT, DBT and OBT have thiamine activity by autoclaving, even if there is no L-cysteine in the medium.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1961-09-25
- 培養法による化学物質の生分解性テスト結果
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