濃硫酸法木材糖化プロセスに関する研究(第17報) : 乾燥糖化法の操作条件が前加水分解チップの遠心脱液後の酸混合比に及ぼす影響 乾燥糖化法における硫酸混合比の調整, 浸透と遠心脱液
- 論文の詳細を見る
Both of the operations of steeping and centrifugal liquid separation of wood chips respectively taken up before and after the pre-hydrolysis reaction operation in the socalled drying saccharification process of wood were studied in order to develop the most efficient operation in handling wood chips. In this study, it was observed that there were 3 steps of increase of the acid permeation degree into wood chips, this is seen in the curves shown in the graphs of acid mixing ratio and steeping time of Figs. 1,3,4,and 5. The steeping operation was conducted in approximate room temperature using 40-45% sulfuric acid solutions. The first step was a simple permeation of sulfuric acid of medium strength into the wood chips, that is, the simple movement of the acid through capillaries. In employing white birch chips of the sizes shown in Table 2,the following relations between the acid mixing ration and steeping duration and detween the acid mixing ratio and temperature were observed. The relation between the acid mixing ration and steeping duration-with respect to the acid concentration of less than 50%, its specific gravity and the length of the wood chips in the direction of fibers was as follows : R=((C・ρ)/(52.3))((logθ)/(5.12)+0.094)(e^<-0.355L>)Similarly with respect to temperature : R=((logθ)/(1.47×10^<-3>)+55.1)(e^<-(2.6×10^3)/T>)where L means chip length in mm along fiber direction, T absolute temperature 〓, C acid concentration % ρ specific gravity θ time in minutes R acid mixing ratio, R=(Sulfric acid (as 100%))/(dry wood substances)In the second step, the permeation of the acid into wood chips was not only due to the movement of the acid through capillaries, but also was caused by the diffusion of the acid and the swelling of the wood chips. However, in this step the acid mixing ration did not show any definite relation that could be represented by an equatioin for relation between the acid mixing ration and the length L of the wood chips or temperature. (refer to Fig 1,3 and 4.)The third step apparently showed the progress of pre-hydrolysis reactioin as shown in Figs 2 and 6. However, in long chips of wood the diffusion transfer of the acid and the swelling of the chips wtill might have taken place in this step.The reduction in weight of the wood chips can be represented by the following equation : W=A-(logθ)/(5.59) where W respesents the ratio of the weight of the wood remained after the reaction to the initial weight of the wood chips.A is a constant which has a relation with temperature and may be expressed approximately by the following equation : A=-1.58+(9.×10^3)/T The phenomena in the 3 steps shown above was different from the movement of water into wood chips as shown in Fig. 11,and also different from the case wherein temperature was comparatively high as shown Figs. 4 and 6. Under said conditions the overall velociry of the acid permeation into the wood chips in the pre-hydrolysis process was due rather to the velocity of swelling of the wood chips or to the velocity of the pre-hydrolysis reaction than the volocity of the acid permeation which velocity was expressed by the acid movement through capillaries of the wood chips and the diffusion transfer of the acid into smaller structures of the chips than capillaries.The moisture content of the wood chips employed in the experiment has a large influence on the permeation of the acid into wood chips (refer to Fig. 7).There was a difference in the transfer mechanism of the acid in the wood chips according to the more or less content of mousture in the chips. That is, in the latter the capillary transfer of the acid was due to pressure difference, and in the former the diffusioin transfer was due to the difference in the concentration of the acid. In the centrifugal liquid desorping separation of the pre-hydrolyzed wood chips or rectangulally cut wood being treated similarly, the decreasing state of the acid resembled the state of water i
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1963-11-15
小林 達吉
後藤 小一郎
後藤 小一郎
菊地 啓明
小林 達吉
小林 達吉
- 発酵生産物の分離に関する基礎的研究 : (2)イオン交換樹脂による発酵液よりイタコン酸の分離
- キシラナーゼによる加水分解の前処理としてのトウモロコシ穂軸のアンモニア処理の反応速度
- 中級濃度硫酸の浸透したシラカンバチップの石油留分の蒸気を用いる乾燥操作による糖化反応
- 希亜硫酸水解によるトウモロコシ穂軸よりキシロースの製造
- 濃硫酸法木材糖化プロセスに関する研究 : (第18報) 振動ミルによる繊維素の加水分解速度
- 22.繊維素の加水分解速度におよぼす粉砕の影響(昭和39年 日本醗酵工学会大会)
- 22. 繊維素の加水分解速度におよぼす粉砕の影響
- 濃硫酸による木材糖化プロセスに関する研究(第15報) : 乾燥糖化プロセスの研究(その3) : 乾燥糖化物の連続多段抽出について
- 生物化学工学(反応速度論) 著者;合葉修一 永井史郎, 発行所;科学技術社
- 希苛性ソーダによる広葉樹材からのペントサンの抽出
- 111. 広葉樹の部分加水分解に関する研究 : (第2報) ペントサンの曹達溶液の粘度
- 323. 広葉樹材から希カセイソーダによるキシランの抽出
- 亜硫酸存在下のキシロースとフルフラールの定量
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- 濃硫酸法木材糖化プロセスに関する研究(第17報) : 乾燥糖化法の操作条件が前加水分解チップの遠心脱液後の酸混合比に及ぼす影響 乾燥糖化法における硫酸混合比の調整, 浸透と遠心脱液
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- Trichoderma virideのキシラナーゼ : (第2報)加水分解の糖と塩による阻害および2段糖化法について
- 混合物中のグルコースとフラクトースの定量
- 14. Trichoderma virideのXylanase (第2報)
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- 334. イタコン酸醗酵醪の伝熱係数について
- 203. イタコン酸醗酵に関する研究 : (第7報) 醗酵速度および収率におよぼすガス分圧の影響
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- イタコン酸醗酵の連続化への醗酵管理 (話題〔醗酵過程の管理〕) (醗酵過程の管理・シンポジウム特集)
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- キシラナーゼによるキシラン含有天然物からキシランの加水分解抽出について : (2) Corncobsに対する前処理条件の検討
- キシロオリゴ糖の調製法
- 種々の微生物のアラバン分解酵素とそれらを応用したアラビノースの調製
- Malbranchea pulchella var. sulfurea No. 48によるキシラナーゼ生産とそれによるキシランの糖化
- Aspergillus itaconicusによるイタ酒石酸の生成
- 木材糖化法の進歩
- 第三燐酸曹達を用いる半微量糖定量法
- 廃棄物の再利用(発酵の窓)
- 菌体外放線菌キシラナーゼの精製とその諸性質について
- Streptomyces属のxylanase系に関する研究(第1報) : 菌体外放線菌xylanaseの諸性質について
- 個の栄養学と醸造学コネクション