H124 SThM による局所熱伝導率の定量的計測に関する研究
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Thermal conductivity distribution is measured with micron spatial resolution but qualitative accuracy by scanning thermal microscopy (SThM) because variation in a tip-sample contact condition strongly affects heat flow rate used for determining thermal conductance. Therefore, we propose a quantitative measurement method of local thermal conductivity by combining thermal and electrical conductance detection methods on the SThM. As preliminary experiments, variations in the two conductances were measured during a force curve mode with the micro-cantilever probe, having thermopile, heater, thermocouple on its body and electrode at a tip. Results shows that electrical conductance was measured unstably and with low reproducibility, and that thermal one has lower dependence on contact load than electrical one.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-11-10
- MEMSセンサによる核沸騰熱伝達機構の研究 : 第2報,電解トリガーと伝熱解析法(熱工学,内燃機関,動力など)
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