- 論文の詳細を見る
As shown in Table 1, the examination of the male fiddler crabs referable to Uca marionis (DESMAREST) from the Ryukyu Islands revealed that this species is usually right-handed and quite different from the cases of U. pugilator and U. pugnax studied by YERKES (1901) and U. lactea by YAMAGUCHI (1973) in which the ratio of the right-and left-handed large cheliped is recognized to be 1: 1. In the field observation it may be briefly pointed out that the right-handed large cheliped is possibly effective for the typical fighting without injury as shown in Fig. 2. Some important contributions to the differentiation of the large cheliped were made by MORGAN (1923, 24) and YAMAGUCIII (op. cit.) on the immature males of U. pugilator or U. pugnax and U. lactea, respectively. In the American species dealt with by MORGAN the immature males pass through a stage in which two large chelipeds are present and the loss of one or the other of the chelipeds is the determining factor leading to the fixed asymmetry of the later stages. In U. lactea, on the other hand, both chelipeds of the immature males are small. Before the differentiation of the large cheliped most of the immature males lose the cheliped of one side, but it seems to be not the indispensable process for differentiation. Fig. 1 shows the result of the present survey based on 71 immature crabs of U. marionis smaller than 6.0 mm in carapace width. The large cheliped is differentiated in the male larger than 4.25 mm, but there is no individual bearing two large chelipeds. The differentiation of the large cheliped in U. marionis seems to be similar to U. lactea at least in having no stage with two large chelipeds in an immature male. During the course of the present populational observation we came across two males only with the small chelipeds from Yaeyama Group in the Ryukyu Islands, which are 13.15mm and 18.05mm in carapace width represented in Fig. 4. Such abnormal males only with the small chelipeds may be caused by the fact that in the critical stage of differentiation of the large cheliped the male loses the power to develop the normal asymmetry regenerating only the small chelipeds by the simultaneous loss of both chelipeds experimentally shown by MORGAN (1924). Among the crab specimens from the Palau Islands is otherwise an abnormal male with carapace width 13.45 mm bearing the symmetrical large chelipeds shown in Fig. 3. Up till now only two examples of such double-clawed male are recorded in U. pugilator and U. pugnax by MORGAN (1920) who described that, if some designation is called for, it might be said to be a super-male, or at least an over-clawed male. As he rightly mentioned, it is apparent that such double-clawed male is functionally normal and could not have occurred through the parasitism or disease, and also highly probable that it may be due to some accident in the development determining the asymmetry of normal male. A reasonable interpretation of occurrence of such double-clawed male may be naturally introduced from the type of U. pugilator or U. pugnax with two large chelipeds in the immature male rather than that of U. lactea with two small ones. The occurrence of a double-clawed male in U. marionis in which the immature crab probably' bears no stage with two large chelipeds is noteworthy, even if by the unknown cause.
- 日本動物分類学会の論文
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- シーボルト収集植物標本リストについて
- The specimens of Japanese plants collected by Ph. F. von Siebold, H. Burger and von Siebold's collaborators, and now housed in the National Herbarium of the Netherlands and the Botanische Staatssammlung Munchen
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- 皇居の生物相 : II.動物相(昆虫類を除く)
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- 相模灘およびその沿岸域における動植物相の経時的比較に基づく環境変遷の解明 : II.海洋生物(動物(節足動物〜脊索動物))
- 相模灘およびその沿岸域における動植物相の経時的比較に基づく環境変遷の解明 : I.海洋生物(褐藻および動物(海綿動物〜環形動物))
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- ニュージーランド海域のカニ類(分類・生態・形態)
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- オウギガニ科ケブカガニ亜科2種の第一ゾエア
- 22. 琉球列島産テナガエビ科モシオエビ属の2未記載種について(日本動物分類学会第36回大会講演抄録)
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- 日本産サンゴヤドリガニ類 : VII. キクメイシヤドリガニ属(新称)
- 日本産サンゴヤドリガニ類 : V. ケブカサンゴヤドリガニ属
- 日本産サンゴヤドリガニ類. : II.ヒメサンゴヤドリガニ属(新称)
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- 皇居の内濠より得られた原生動物,輪虫類,鰓脚類および橈脚類.II.
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- ハクセンシオマネキ巨大鉗脚の左右性と二型性について
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- 実験所附近の動物相
- 沖縄産カクレガニ科の1新種
- 4. ETI-JapanのCD-ROMによる分類学(日本動物分類学会第31回大会記事)
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- 東シナ海で得られたカニ類
- 津軽海峡を中心とする地域の自然史科学的総合研究
- ショウジョウエビの学名について