- 論文の詳細を見る
By the courtesy of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan the authors had a good chance to re-examine the paratype of Sympasiphaea imperialis TERAO, 1922,which is preserved in the Biological Laboratory, Imperial Household. The paratype, 183mm in body length and 79mm in carapace length, is really important, since the holotype was destroyed by the Kanto Earthquake of 1923. Some years ago the authors also re-examined the male and the ovigerous female abtained by trawlnet at the depth of about 360m in Suruga Bay and recorded by KURODA (1973). In the present paper the authors recorded a male (175mm in body length and 74.5mm in carapace length including rostrum), a female (185 and 80mm) and an ovigerous female (175 and 77mm) (NSMT-Cr 8163) from Suruga Bay, which are preserved in the National Science Museum, Tokyo, and one specimen (SMBS 70001; 85mm in carapace length including rostrum) in the old collection of the Shimoda Marine Biological Station, the University of Tsukuba. The exact locality of the last specimen is unknown, but it is highly probably that it came from the depths of Sagami Bay. The examination of a total of six specimens revealed that the armature of the dorsal carina of the carapace extending back from the rostrum is considerably variable and that the other differences from the type-species of the genus, S. annectens ALCOCK, 1901,from the Arabian Sea are not specific, but are apparently within the individual variation. On the other hand, from the Japan Marine Fishery Resource Research Center the authors received for identification many kinds of shrimps collected from the depths off Surinam on the northeast coast of South America. Among them are more than sixty specimens identified as Glyphus marsupialis FILHOL, 1884,which has hitherto been restricted to the East Atlantic and extensively re-described with fine figures by CROSNIER and FOREST (1973). They questioned the validity of the genus Sympasiphaea and its representative S. annectens. Thus it is quite fortunate that the authors could compare directly the specimens identified as Sympasiphaea from Japan and Glyphus from the West Atlantic. As a result of the close comparison it must be pointed out that the French authors were correct in considering both are synonymous and that Glyphus marsupialis has the priority generically and specifically over Sympasiphaea annectens.
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