Local Structure of Heme-Iron Studied by High-Resolution XANES;Thermal Spin Equilibrium in Myoglobin
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The local structure of heme-iron of hydroxide complex of ferric myoglobin duringthe thermal spin equilibrium between high and low spin states has been studied by ahigh-resolution XANES. The spin-state sensitive near-edge features have been foundin the pre-edge Is-3d transition peak and absorption threshold region. The magnitudeof these characteristic features are dependent on the ratio of h igh spin to low spin con-centration, which is interpreted in terms of the d-electron configuration and localstructure of heme-iron, i.e. the distortion of octahedral ligand field caused by adisplacement of heme-iron from the hemeplane and deform;ttion of porphyrin ring.These spin-state sensitive near-edge structures were also found for other myoglobinderivatives. The general relation between these near-edge features and spin state sug-gests that they can be used as a spin-state marker.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1987-09-15
石村 巽
石村 巽
慶応義塾大学 医化
Matsushita Tadashi
National Laboratory For High Energy Physics
Oyanagi Hiroyuki
Electrotechinical Laboratory
Saigo S
Department Of Physics Jichi Medical School
Saigo Satoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science The University Of Tokyo:department Of Physics Jichi Medical
Ishiguro T
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University:crest Japan Science And Technology
Oyanagi Hiroyuki
Electrotech. Lab. Tsukuba
Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Keio University
IIZUKA Tetsutaro
Department of Materials Chemistry, College of Engineering, Hosei University
Makino Ryu
Department Of Biochemistry School Of Medicine Keio University
Ishimura Yuzuru
Department Of Biochemistry Keio University
ISHIGURO Takeshiko
Electrotechinical Laboratory
Iizuka Tetsutaro
Department Of Biochemistry School Of Medicine Keio University:the Institute Of Physical And Chemical
OYANAGI Hiroyuki
Electrotech. Lab. , Tsukuba
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