Anomalous Giant Magnetoresistance in Heusler-Type Alloys Fe_<2+x>V<1-x>Ga
- 論文の詳細を見る
Electrical resistance, magnetoresistance and tnagnetization were measured for Heus[er-typealloys, Fex?.Vt ..Ga. An anonaalotts giant rnagnetoresistance (GMR) near 50% was observed forFezVGa which was a weak and inhornogeneovxs ferromagnet. For alloys with x >O, wlaich showclear ferromagnetism, the electrical resistance showed an anoznaly below the Curie temperature.For alloys with x< O, the teznperattnre dependence of' the resistance indicated behavior like thatof a semiconductor. The energy gap was tentatively estimated to be O.O3eV for x = -0.10. Theorigin of the present GIVIR is discussed in terrns of the metal-insulator transition arising fromordering of the magnetic moment.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-05-15
GOTO Tsuneaki
The Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
ENDO Keizo
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Goto T
Univ. Tokyo Chiba
Goto Tsuneaki
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Goto Tsuneaki
Institute For Solid State Physics University
Department of Physics, Tokyo Medical University
ENDO Keizo
Kanagawa Institute of Technology
OOIWA Kiyoshi
Department of Physics, Tokyo Medical University
IIJIMA Masanori
Department of Physics, Tokyo Medical University
ITO kazuo
Laboratory of Physics,College of Science and Technology,Nihon University
ONO Akio
Musashi Institute of Technology
Endo K
Kanagawa Institute Of Technology
Endo Keizo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku Metropolitan University
Matsuda H
Department Of Physics Tokyo Medical University
Ono A
Musashi Institute Of Technology
Iijima M
Department Of Physics Tokyo Medical University
Iijima Masanori
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ooiwa K
Department Of Physics Tokyo Medical University
Ooiwa Kiyoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Goto Tsuneaki
The Institute Of Solid State Physics Tokyo University
Matsuda Hiroko
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And T
Ito Kazuo
Laboratory Of Forest Pathology Of The Government Forest Experiment Station
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