The Density of States of 3d-Electron Band in Pseudobinary Alloys CoTi_<1-x>AI_x by Photoelectron Spectroscopy Using Synchrotron Radiation
- 論文の詳細を見る
The d-electron density of states of CoTi. .A1., where x is from 0.5 to 1.0, is in-vestigated by photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. The observedspectra of Coal (x= l .0) and Co.TiAl (,X'=0.5) arc qualitatively in agreement with thecalculated density of states except for the nearly constant energy shift (0.35 eV) of thepeak positions of the observed spectra from the calculated ones. It can be understoodthat the fine structures observed for ,X'=0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 just below E. are duo to theferromagnetism and the strong paramagnetism of the alloys.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-01-15
Iwasawa Hideaki
Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center Hiroshima University
Yamaguchi Shigeo
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University
ISHII Hiroyoshi
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
HANYU Takaaki
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hanyu T
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hanyu Takaaki
Department Of Physics Faculity Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishii T
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishii H
Univ. Tokyo Chiba
Ishii Hiroyoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
ENDO Keizo
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University
ENDO Keizo
Kanagawa Institute of Technology
Endo K
Kanagawa Institute Of Technology
Endo Keizo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku Metropolitan University
Ishiyama K
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishiyama Kouichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hanyu Takaaki
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishii H
Faculty Of Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Kamada Toru
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishii H
Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd. Yokohama Jpn
Ohkuma Haruo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Shinogi A
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Shinogi Akira
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Takai H
近畿大学 医学部循環器内科部門
Yamaguchi Shigeo
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Kanagawa University:energy Electroni
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- 21aGM-4 鉄系超伝導体Ca-Fe-Pt-Asの角度分解光電子分光(21aGM 鉄砒素系(新規物質),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 22aTN-1 角度分解光電子分光によるBaVS_3の電子状態の研究(22aTN 光電子分光(強相関系),領域5(光物性))
- 21pPSA-26 金属及び半導体カーボンナノチューブの光電子分光II(21pPSA 領域5ポスターセッション,領域5(光物性))
- 21aTN-10 Cu(111)ショックレー準位の高分解能角度分解光電子分光 : 準粒子に働く多体相互作用の定量評価(21aTN 光電子分光(強相関系,表面・薄膜),領域5(光物性))
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