Kanno Toru
Department Of Urology Kitano Hospital The Tazuke Kofukai Medical Research Institute
Yamaguchi Shigeo
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University
Akashi Hiroomi
Department Of Veterinary Microbiology Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Universi
Akashi Hiroomi
Department Of Virology National Institute Of Animal Health
Kanno Toru
Department Of Exotic Disease National Institute Of Animal Health
KONDO Takashi
Epizootic Research Station, Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association
Kondo Takashi
Epizootic Research Center Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
Yamaguchi Shigeo
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Kanagawa University:energy Electroni
Kondo Takashi
Epizootic Research Station Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
山口 成夫
Department of Virology, National Institute of Animal Health
菅野 徹
Department of Exotic Disease, National Institute of Animal Health
明石 博臣
Department of Virology, National Institute of Animal Health
- 馬インフルエンザの診断における迅速抗原検出キットの有用性(ウイルス学)
- Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 Mutant Defective in Glycoprotein E Gene as Candidate Vaccine Strain
- 2007年の日本におけるワクチン接種馬群での馬インフルエンザの流行(ウイルス学)
- 学会見聞記 第145回日本獣医学会
- 馬におけるオセルタミビルおよび代謝活性体の薬物動態(薬理学)
- 馬インフルエンザに対するオセルタミビルの治療効果の検討
- 馬インフルエンザAウイルスを接種した馬におけるリン酸オセルタミビルの効果(ウイルス学)
- オセルタミビル活性体とザナミビルの馬インフルエンザAウイルスに対するin vitroにおける抑制効果(短報)(ウイルス学)
- 猫ヘルペスウイルス1型最近分離株の実験感染(短報)(ウイルス学)
- 馬ヘルペスウイルス1型(EHV-1)不活化ワクチン接種馬群へのEHV-1およびEHV-4特異的ELISAの応用
- 猫リンパ系細胞におけるCD56分子の発現
- ポニーにおけるHalicephalobus gingivalisによる肉芽腫性腎炎と髄膜脳脊髄炎(病理学)
- 第54回ウイルス学会
- ウマヘルペスウイルス1型膜糖蛋白gIおよびgE各遺伝子欠損株のマウスとハムスターにおける病原性ならびに免疫原性(ウイルス学)
- 神経症状を発症した馬からの日本脳炎ウイルスの分離およびその遺伝子解析(短報)(ウイルス学)
- 神経症状を呈した馬からの日本脳炎ウイルスの分離と遺伝子解析
- 学会見聞記 第140回日本獣医学会
- ウエストナイルウイルス感染馬抗体検出のためのIgM捕捉エライザ法
- 馬血清におけるウエストナイルウイルスと日本脳炎ウイルスに対する中和抗体の交差反応性
- 学会見聞記 第52回日本ウイルス学会
- 学会見聞記 第138回日本獣医学会
- 学会見聞記 第51回日本ウイルス学会
- (寄生虫病学)北海道の河川水中より検出したCryptosporidium parvum(Cp)のSCIDマウスを用いた生死及び感染性の検討
- 硫酸鉄フロキュレーション法を用いて検出された河川水サンプル中のクリプトスポリジウムオーシスト数の季節変動(短報)(寄生虫病学)
- Optically Pumped Blue-Green Laser Operation Above Room-Temperature in Zn_Cd_Se-ZnS_Se_ Multiple Quantum Well Structures Grown by Metalorganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- ELISAによる競走馬におけるウマ動脈炎ウイルスの血清学的調査(短報)
- Full Genome Sequence and Virulence Analyses of the Recent Equine Isolate of Japanese Encephalitis Virus
- 学会見聞記 第55回日本ウイルス学会
- 猫CD7遺伝子のクローニング及び塩基配列の決定(短報)(免疫学)
- 猫CD7遺伝子のクローニング及び塩基配列の決定(短報)
- ウマのアデノウイルスに関する研究 : I. サラブレッド仔ウマの肺炎から分離したアデノウイルスについて
- ウマのウエストナイルウイルス感染症
- 馬におけるウエストナイルウイルス感染症 (特集 社会的不安をあおるウイルスを獣医学的見地からみる)
- 子馬のロドコッカス・エクイ感染症発生牧場におけるアイソタイプ別抗体応答
- Protein AおよびProtein Gによる馬免疫グロブリンアイソタイプの精製
- 第26回日本免疫学会
- 新しく開発された馬IgG定量用キット
- MTTを用いた馬リンパ球幼若化反応について
- Facilitating the technique of laparoscopic running urethrovesical anastomosis using Lapra-ty absorbable suture clips
- Complications and the learning curve for a laparoscopic nephrectomy at a single institution
- 馬動脈炎ウイルス(EAV)感染馬抗体が認識するEAVのGL蛋白質上の主要エピトープの合成ペプチドを用いた同定
- Induction of a Th-1-Biased IgG Subclass Response against Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 in Horses Previously Infected with Type 4 Virus
- Empirical Potential Approach to the Formation of 3C-SiC/Si(110)
- Evaluation of Rapid Antigen Detection Kits for Diagnosis of Equine Rotavirus Infection
- 馬ウイルス性動脈炎の流産発生機序に関する実験病理学的研究
- Soft X-Ray Absorption and Electronic Structure of Al-Based 3d-Transition Metal Alloys
- Optical Properties of Ag-Based 3d-Transition Metal Alloys. : II. Effects of Alloying on the Characteristic Absorption of Ag
- Optical properties of Ag-Based 3d-Transition Metal Alloys : I. Virtual Bound States in Ag-Matrix
- Optical Properties of Cs
- Anisotropic Dielectric Constants of Bi_2Sr_2(CaY_x)Cu_2O_(x=0.0,0.6)Single Crystals in 0.5-5.0 eV Region
- Effects of Ce Doping on Electronic Structures of Ln_Ce_xCuO_4 (Ln=Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd) Studied by Core-Level Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Valence States of Rare-Earth Ions in RERuSn_3 (RE=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) and Related Compounds Studied by Core-Level Photoemission Spectroscopy
- X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Nd_Ce_xCuO_4 and La_Sr_xCuO_4
- The Density of States of 3d-Electron Band in Pseudobinary Alloys CoTi_AI_x by Photoelectron Spectroscopy Using Synchrotron Radiation
- The Optical Properties of Rb
- gG-ELISAを用いた馬ヘルペスウイルス1型および4型の血清疫学調査
- ウマヘルペスウイルス1型(EHV-1)の実験室内長期継代変異株であるケンタッキ-A(Ky A)株のウマに対する病原性および免疫原性の検討
- Optical Absorption of Gas Phase C_ and C_
- Extreme Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Alkali Metals
- Extreme Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of K-Rb and K-Cs alloys
- Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction Intensity Oscillations during the Growth of ZnSe on Cleaved GaAs(110) Surface by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Photoelectron Spectra of Pure Rh Metal and CuRh Alloys
- Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of La,Ce,Sm,Eu and Gd Metals
- The Valence Band Spectra of AgRu, AgRh and AgPd Alloys
- Threshold Singularities of p-shell Absorption in Potassium, Rubidium and Cesium Metals
- Pharmacokinetics of Penciclovir after Oral Administration of Its Prodrug Famciclovir to Horses
- The Effect of Isoelectronic In-Doping on the Structural and Optical Properties of (Al)GaN Grown by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Antibody Responses Induced by Japanese Whole Inactivated Vaccines against Equine Influenza Virus (H3N8) Belonging to Florida Sublineage Clade2
- Direct Detection of Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 DNA in Nasal Swabs by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP)
- Structural Properties of Al_In_xN Ternary Alloys on GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- GaN Based Laser Diode with Focused Ion Beam Etched Mirrors
- Reduction of Etch Pit Density in Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy-Grown GaN on Sapphire by Insertion of a Low-Temperature-Deposited Buffer Layer between High-Temperature-Grown GaN
- Dynamic adsorption and desorption behavior of protein on carbonate-containing apatite
- Desorption properties of BSA and LSZ on carbonate ion-modified apatite
- Infection-induced urethral defect treated by urethral reconstruction with a radial forearm flap
- モノクロ-ナル抗体による馬動脈炎ウイルスGL蛋白での2カ所の中和抗原サイトの同定
- Antibody Responses Induced by Experimental West Nile Virus Infection with or without Previous Immunization with Inactivated Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine in Horses
- Detection of Equine Rotavirus by Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP)
- Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectra of Alkali Halides. : I.. KCl and NaCl
- Identification of the Major Epitope in the G_L Protein of Equine Arteritis Virus (EAV) Recognized by Antibody in EAV-infected Horses Using Synthetic Peptides
- ウマヘルペスウイルス1型に対する抗体価測定におけるエライザの評価
- Field Application of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Screening of Equine Infectious Anemia
- 新しく開発したネフェロメトリ-法による馬IgGの定量およびその臨床応用成績
- New Far-Infrared Laser Lines from CH_2Cl_2 Optically Pumped by CO_2 Laser
- Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for T1-2 renal cell carcinoma : can this procedure become a standard procedure in a general hospital in Japan?
- 家畜のワクチン (特大号/ワクチンのすべて) -- (人畜感染症)
- Analysis of herpesvirus host specificity determinants using herpesvirus genomes as bacterial artificial chromosomes
- Identification of multiple sites suitable for insertion of foreign genes in herpes simplex virus genomes
- Molecular analyses of Toxoplasma gondii calmodulin-like domain protein kinase isoform 3
- A Study on the Presence of Ferritin-binding Proteins in Fetal Horse Plasma
- Identification of Horse Anti-Ferritin Autoantibody
- Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Bat Toll-Like Receptor 3,7, and 9
- Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of the cDNAs Encoding the Bat Interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p40, and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha
- A study on the presence of ferritin-binding proteins in fetal horse plasma
- Characterization of Plasmodium falciparum calcium-dependent protein kinase 4
- SPA-1 controls the invasion and metastasis of human prostate cancer
- Change of Ferritin-binding Activity in the Serum of Foal after Birth
- Evaluation of the Usefulness of a PCR Assay Performed at a Clinical Laboratory for the Diagnosis of Respiratory Disease Induced by Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 in the Field
- Mitigation of Pyrexia by a Th-1-Biased IgG Subclass Response after Infection with Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 in Horses Pre-Immunized with Inactivated Vaccine
- Mercaptoacetyltriglycine-3 renogram is not superior to estimated glomerular filtration rate measurement for the prediction of long-term renal function after nephrectomy