X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Nd_<2-x>Ce_xCuO_4 and La_<2-x>Sr_xCuO_4
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1989-11-20
溝口 憲治
Iwasawa Hideaki
Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center Hiroshima University
山口 滋
Department Of Physics School Of Science Tokai University
Kume K
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Tokyo
Kume Kiyoshi
Division Of Gastroenterology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kume Kiyoshi
Department of Cardiology, National Hospital Organization Osaka National Hospital
Mizoguchi Kenji
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Yamaguchi Shigeo
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University
ISHII Hiroyoshi
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
HANYU Takaaki
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hanyu T
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hanyu Takaaki
Department Of Physics Faculity Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kume Kiyoshi
Department Of Cardiology Higashi-osaka City General Hospital
Sakamoto I
Department Of Electrical And Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Sakamoto Isao
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Mizoguchi Kenji
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Ishii T
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishii H
Univ. Tokyo Chiba
Ishii Hiroyoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishii Hiroyoshi
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics Faculty of Science,Osaka University
Kume K
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kinoshita Toyohiko
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Sakamoto I
Nagoya Institute Of Technology
KATAURA Hiromichi
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
TAKAI Hiroyuki
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hanyu Takaaki
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kajimura K
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Ishii H
Faculty Of Science And Technology Science University Of Tokyo
Kamada Toru
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishii H
Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd. Yokohama Jpn
Shiozaki I
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Tokyo
Shiozaki Ikuyo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science
Kataura Hiromichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Takai H
近畿大学 医学部循環器内科部門
Koide Tsuneharu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science The University Of Tokyo:photon Factory National Laboratory
Takai Hiroyuki
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Yamaguchi Shigeo
Department Of Electrical Electronic And Information Engineering Kanagawa University:energy Electroni
Koshizawa Takehito
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University:(pressent Address) Tokyo Elec
Shinozaki Ikuyo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
溝口 憲治
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 25aRG-4 Sr_La_Ti_Cr_xO_3の電子構造の(x,y)依存性(Ti,V酸化物,領域8,強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など)
- 26aXA-2 偏光依存高分解能角度分解光電子分光によるPd(100)単結晶の電子状態の研究(光電子分光(表面・薄膜・低次元物質I),領域5,光物性)
- 26aXA-1 HiSOR BL-1における偏光依存高分解能角度分解光電子分光装置の建設(光電子分光(表面・薄膜・低次元物質I),領域5,光物性)
- 20pPSB-11 放射光角度分解光電子分光によるSrFe_2As_2の三次元電子構造(20pPSB 領域8ポスターセッション(低温III(鉄系超伝導体)),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 20pGH-4 低エネルギー放射光角度分解光電子分光によるBaFe_2As_2のフェルミ面の3次元構造の研究(20pGH FeAs系超伝導(分光),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 26aXA-3 Temperature-dependent high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission study of Ni(111) Shockley state
- 25aRK-5 偏光依存角度分解光電子分光を用いたSr_2RuO_4の電子状態の選択的測定(ルテニウム酸化物,領域8,強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など)
- Sheet Dependence on Superconducting Gap in Oxygen-Deficient Iron-Based Oxypnictide Superconductors NdFeAsO_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- 24pWQ-9 Bi2212の角度分解光電子スペクトルにおける酸素同位体効果II(24pWQ 高温超伝導(不純物置換,同位体効果),領域8(強相関係:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 30aRA-3 Bi2212のARPESスペクトルにおける同位体効果の再検討(30aRA 高温超伝導(光電子分光),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 22aPS-8 Pd(100)の高分解能角度分解光電子分光(22aPS 領域5ポスターセッション,領域5(光物性))
- 22aPS-7 Rh(100),(110),(111)の高分解能角度分解光電子分光(22aPS 領域5ポスターセッション,領域5(光物性))
- 28pRF-3 硬x線を用いた銅酸化物高温超伝導体のCu 1s内殻光電子分光(28pRF 光電子分光・逆光電子分光,領域5(光物性))
- 101 レーザによるTi系合金の表面改質(表面改質)
- 328 YAGレーザによるTiAlの表面改質(レーザモニタリング)
- 444 レーザによる TiAl 金属間化合物の表面改質
- 401 TiAl金属間化合物のレーザ表面改質
- 26aRG-2 K_CoO_2の金属絶縁体転移における電子構造変化(コバルト酸化物,領域8,強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など)
- 18aWK-2 Bi2212の角度分解光電子スペクトルにおける酸素同位体効果(18aWK 高温超伝導(光電子分光),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- Solid C_ : Anisotropic Molecular Rotation and Orientational Ordering Transition
- Optically Pumped Blue-Green Laser Operation Above Room-Temperature in Zn_Cd_Se-ZnS_Se_ Multiple Quantum Well Structures Grown by Metalorganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- 25pYK-3 ジクロロベンゼン分子の電子遷移強度解析
- Local Magnetic Susceptibility in Rare-Earth Compounds
- MCD Study on Materials without Magnetic Order
- High Resolution 4d-4f Resonance Photoemission Spectroscopy of CePdX (X=As,Sb)
- Temperature-Dependent Change of Correlated Electronic States in Yb_4As_3 and Yb_4(As_Sb_x)_3 Probed by High Resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy
- YAGレーザ第5高調波によるサファイヤの微細加工
- 24pRE-6 一次元Pt錯体の高分解能光電子分光(24pRE 光電子分光(表面・薄膜・低次元系),領域5(光物性))
- 25aWX-6 三次元トポロジカル絶縁体Bi_2Se_3の異方的なフェルミ面(25aWX 表面界面電子物性,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 「時間分解レーザー計測の最近の進展」解説小特集号によせて
- テラワット2サイクルパルスの発生と高次高調波変換
- CS-4-1 レーザを用いた微量ガス計測技術(CS-4.波長域が広がるレーザ技術とその応用〜「新波長レーザ」のシーズとニーズの融合に向けて〜,シンポジウムセッション)
- 高機能レーザー光源のガスセンシングへの応用 : 中赤外差周波光源を中心にして
- 「期待される波長可変中赤外レーザーデバイス」解説小特集号によせて
- レーザーブレイクダウンにより生じる水中マイクロバブル生成過程計測
- 分極反転デバイスによる中赤外光源を用いたガスモニタリング
- LAMP2006開催報告
- 「レーザーによる環境微量物質の計測」解説小特集号によせて
- 「燃焼・流体の先端研究におけるレーザーセンシング技術の動向」解説小特集号によせて
- 25aPS-51 Co/Pd(001)超薄膜の磁気異方性と価電子帯構造(25aPS 領域3ポスターセッション,領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
- Magnetic Circular Dichroism of X-Ray Emission for Gadolinium in 4d-4f Excitation Region
- Photoemission Study of 4f Electronic States in PrFe_4P_ and Related Pr Compounds
- Electronic Structure of Protonic Conductor SrTi_Sc_O_3 Probed by Soft-X-ray Spectroscopy
- Electronic Structure of Ce_Nd_xO_ Probed by Soft-X-Ray Spectroscopy
- Unoccupied Electronic State of SrTi_Nb_xO_3 Observed by Inverse-Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Evidence of O-H Bond in the Bulk State of Protonic Conductor Y-Doped SrCeO_3 by Soft-X-Ray Spectroscopy
- Band Structure of TiO_2-Doped Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Probed by Soft-X-Ray Spectroscopy
- Ce-O Hybridization Effect of Protonic Conductor SrCe_Y_xO_ Observed by Resonant-Photoemission Spectroscopy
- 25pWB-4 Sr_2RuO_4の電子状態における偏光・励起光依存性(25pWB Ru酸化物・Ti酸化物,領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 導電性高分子研究のその後の発展(「白川英樹博士ノーベル化学賞受賞記念」)
- Theoretical Study of Pressure Effect on TDAE-C_
- Performance Comparison of Real-Time Laser Absorption Spectrometers for NH_3 Detection at 1.54 and 3.03μm in a H_2O Vapor Mixture
- Measurements of NO_2 Concentration with Wide Dynamic Range Based on Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Using a Multi-Pass Optical Cell : Effects of Ambient Temperature Change at the Optical Cell
- Parametric Studies on Improved Laser Cutting Performance of Magnesium Alloy with Two Flow Nozzles
- Trace Methane Detection Based on Raman Spectroscopy Using a High Finesse Optical Resonator
- Performance Characteristics of Power Build-Up Cavity for Raman Spectroscopic Measurement
- Yb Fiber Laser Pumped Mid-IR Source Based on Difference Frequency Generation and Its Application to Ammonia Detection
- レーザー誘起蛍光法を用いた有機化学物質の検出
- Theoretical Analysis of a Radio Frequency Excited Slab CO_2 Laser
- レーザー切断時のカーフ内気流の観察
- 中赤外 Optical Multi-channel Analyzer の開発
- Spatially Resolved Gain Measurements of a Slab Type RF Excited CO_2 Laser
- 安定共振器を伴った不安定共振器
- Electronic State and Arrangement of Hydrogen Atoms in Ternary Graphite Intercalation Compounds C_8KH_-ESR,^1HNMR and ^C NMR Studies
- Resonant Photoemission Study on Valence Band Satellites of Cu_xNi_and Ag_xPd_Alloy Systems
- 24pRE-10 偏光依存高分解能角度分解光電子分光によるPd(100)単結晶の電子状態の研究(24pRE 光電子分光(表面・薄膜・低次元系),領域5(光物性))
- 25pWB-10 Sr_La_Ti_V_xO_3の電子構造(25pWB Ru酸化物・Ti酸化物,領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- Resonant-Inverse Photoemission Study of Pr Compounds in 4d-4f Excitation Region(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Interpretation of Magnetic Circular Dichroism of X-ray Emission Spectra(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- MCD Study on Ce_xLa_Ni : Difference between the "Local" and "Coherent" Kondo Effect(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Anomaly of X-ray Diffraction Profile in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
- Importance of Measurements of Small MCD Signals at Temperatures Higher than Tc:Distinction between Itinerant and Localized Magnetism (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on SRMS(Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science)(2))
- X-Ray Photoemission Study of Pr Valence in PrBa_2Cu_3O_7
- Anisotropic Dielectric Constants of Bi_2Sr_2(CaY_x)Cu_2O_(x=0.0,0.6)Single Crystals in 0.5-5.0 eV Region
- Resonant Photoemission Spectra of the Valence and Ce 4d States of CeRu_2 : Effect of Coster-Kronig Decay on Energy Exchange between Two Continuum States
- Effects of Ce Doping on Electronic Structures of Ln_Ce_xCuO_4 (Ln=Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd) Studied by Core-Level Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Valence States of Rare-Earth Ions in RERuSn_3 (RE=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) and Related Compounds Studied by Core-Level Photoemission Spectroscopy
- X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Nd_Ce_xCuO_4 and La_Sr_xCuO_4
- The 4d Photoabsorption Spectra of La,LaF_3,Ba and BaF_2 : Dependence on the Chemical and Structural Environment
- The Density of States of 3d-Electron Band in Pseudobinary Alloys CoTi_AI_x by Photoelectron Spectroscopy Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Extreme Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Barium and Rare Earth Metals
- Photoconductivity in Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
- Electronic States and Superconductivity in Alkali-Intercalated Fullerides : ^C-NMR Study in Na_2RbC_, Na_2CsC_, K_3C_, K_2RbC_, K_2CsC_, KRbCsC_, Rb_2CsC_ and RbCs_2C_
- ^C-NMR in Iodine and Potassium Intercalated C_ Solid
- Magnetic Resonance and Resistivity Studies on Polyacetylene : Soliton Dynamics and Metallic Conduction
- Diamagnetization in the Vortex State of Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O : Magnetic Field Measurement at the Surface by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Measurement of Surface Magnetic Field of Superconductor by Magnetic Resonance
- Line Width Analysis of ^V Impurity CW-NMR in AuV
- AF-like Ground State of Mn-DNA and Charge Transfer from Fe to Base-π-Band in Fe-DNA(Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)
- 導電性高分子の電気輸送特性-ミクロとマクロをつなぐ-
- 25pPSA-3 金属及び半導体カーボンナノチューブの光電子分光(25pPSA 領域5ポスターセッション,領域5(光物性))
- 25pPSB-13 BaFe_2As_2における三次元的フェルミ面の軌道成分(25pPSB 領域8ポスターセッション(低温1(鉄砒素系・銅酸化物ほか)),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 28aHB-3 BaVS_3の電子状態(28aHB 放射光真空紫外分光・MCD・光電子分光(強相関係・スピン分解・理論等),領域5(光物性))
- 23pGB-14 角度分解光電子分光によるK_CoO_2の金属絶縁体転移における電子構造変化(23pGB コバルト酸化物,領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 21aGM-4 鉄系超伝導体Ca-Fe-Pt-Asの角度分解光電子分光(21aGM 鉄砒素系(新規物質),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 22aTN-1 角度分解光電子分光によるBaVS_3の電子状態の研究(22aTN 光電子分光(強相関系),領域5(光物性))
- 21pPSA-26 金属及び半導体カーボンナノチューブの光電子分光II(21pPSA 領域5ポスターセッション,領域5(光物性))
- 21aTN-10 Cu(111)ショックレー準位の高分解能角度分解光電子分光 : 準粒子に働く多体相互作用の定量評価(21aTN 光電子分光(強相関系,表面・薄膜),領域5(光物性))
- 24pGM-4 銅酸化物及びルテニウム酸化物超伝導体における電子バンドの繰り込み(24pGM 銅酸化物(超伝導・電子状態),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- Enhancement of Hybridization between Two- and One-Dimensional Bands due to Coulomb and Spin–Orbit Interactions in Sr2RuO4